chapter 6

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Demi's POV

I woke up to my phone ringing and a giant headache. I checked the caller ID and jumped up straight while answering it

"I'm so sorry, I overslept ill be there in 20 minutes." I said and hung up

I overslept and was late for recording an interview. I hurried into my leather pants and threw a t-shirt over my head as I ran downstairs

if I only could remember what happened to cause me this headache

Serena's POV

I didn't sleep much the night after Demi kissed me. She was drunk so it didn't mean anything, right? I kept turning into my bed as I thought of how awkward things will get

does Demi remember? do I call her? so many questions flew through my mind

I decided to drive to Demi's and see if she remembers, not that I expected her because she was so wasted

"Mom, I'm going to demi's house" I shouted, while putting my shoes on 

she came running to the hall and blocked the door so I couldn't get out "What is it with this Demi girl? You're actually going out having a social life, I'm proud of you" she sarcastically said

I rolled my eyes and wanted to walk away "No, I'm serious, you're going out more often and I'm glad you found a real friend" my mom said smiling. I nervously smiled back. 

Nearly one week and already two secrets, where's this friendship going to?

"Thanks mom"  


"Yes, mom?" I asked raising an eyebrow

"Don't forget the selfie" 

I blankly stared at my mom for a few seconds before walking away and driving to demi's house, only to notice she wasn't home, ten minutes later 

I should've called her first. Or checked online where she's spending the day. I laughed at my own joke and decided to call her

Demi's POV

I had done my interview and was talking to Max, my boydguard, as my phone started ringing

"Oh hey Serena" I answered the phone 

"Hey, Demi." she dryly replied

"What's up?" I asked

"I drove to your house to check if we're still okay but you aren't here so I decided to call you" she clearly was nervous 

"Wait, why wouldn't we be?" I wondered

"I don't know" she stuttered

"Are you still at my place?"

"Yes. I mean, in front of your place, in my car" 

"Hold on, I'll be there in 10" I said and I hung up.

I knew something wasn't okay because of how nervous she sounded. I tried to think of things that happened but nothing came to my mind. I woke up with a hangover so I clearly was drunk last night. But what exactly happened? 

I greeted some fans who were waiting at my car before heading home. If Serena only knew. 

I parked my car and got out. Serena also got out of her car and we got into my house. "Why wouldn't we be okay?" I started the conversation

"I, um, meant to ask if you are okay because you were- you were very wasted yesterday" she stuttered

I raised an eyebrow "You're the worst liar" I laughed "What's up, what happened?"

Serena awkwardly looked down and mumbled "nothing happened"

I started to get nervous. What if I told her something about my career? She'd think I was trying to hide it from her and only told her because I was drunk. Okay, yes, I am hiding it from her, but I don't want her to know that

"Did I say something wrong?" I asked

she shook her head, still looking down 

"Serena" I said making her face me "what happened yesterday?" 

my eyes widened before she could answer me "Did I try to hit on you?" I asked

she just stood there, staring at me 

"Did I- Did I kiss you?" I whispered

she nodded and my jaw dropped

I kissed her. I, Demetria Devonne Lovato, kissed the only girl who's friends with me without knowing who I actually am. I drunkly kissed Serena Marie Mason. And even worse, I don't remember.

I just stared at her, not knowing what to do or say

"Are we still okay?" she whispered after seconds of just staring at each other

I pulled her into a hug "Of course we are, I was just drunk" I whispered into her ear, secretly dissapointed that I didn't remember anything from it 

I pulled back and saw tears forming in her eyes "What's wrong?" I worriedly asked

she shook her head, keeping her eyes wide open

"Was the kiss that bad?" I tried to joke 

"No, I-"

"You what?" I asked while stroking her hair

God, she even looks adorable while crying. Can she be any more perfect? This girl is sent from heaven, I can't believe I'm friends with her. She came to check upon our friendship after I drunkenly kissed her, she's so caring. Shit, why don't I remember the kiss, what a waste.

"I didn't pull back when you kissed me" she whispered



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