chapter 22

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 Serena's POV

I was sitting on my bed deciding whether to go with the sexy red dress or the casual black one when my mom came in. 

"Mom, which dress?" I asked, holding them both up. 

She looked at them and immediately pointed to the black one. "You don't want to look too sexy since your girlfriend won't be there." She sternly said. 

I still had to get used to my mom talking about Demi as my girlfriend. I hadn't told Demi she knew yet because we had broken up the day after I informed her. My mom knew we were broken up and I also told her we got back together yesterday. She was happy for me and she was really glad I moved on from Nick. She also rubbed it in my face that she was always right since she'd predicted we'd get back together soon. 

"Hmm, you're right. Like always." I eyed the dress. 

"I know, honey." She flipped her hair dramatically causing me to laugh. "What time will you be home though?" 

"Uhm, I don't know." I turned to look at her. "Since when does that matter?" I chuckled. 

My mom never gave me some rules or so to follow. I didn't have a curfew because she trusts me and knows I'd come back early anyway. I barely drank when I wasn't at a safe place like home or a party at someone's house I know really well. 

"Since you're going to a party you know nobody at. You don't even know the Brandon guy that well." She sighed. 

"Don't worry about me, mom. I'll be fine, I promise." I kissed her cheek and headed to my bathroom to take a shower. I put on some makeup afterwards, still going for the natural look and did my hair. I went for curls in my hair and put the black dress on. I decided to go for black converse since I didn't feel like wearing heels. 

I was texting Demi as my doorbell rang. I opened the door for a hot looking Brandon. "You look good." I smiled. 

"I was going to say the same thing about you." He handed me flowers. "These are for you." He said, causing me to blush

"Thank you, they're beautiful! You really didn't have to do that though." I smiled as I headed to the kitchen to put them in a vase. 

"I wanted to." I heard him shout before entering the kitchen.

We made small talks in the car while driving to the party. Brandon was really easy to talk to and made me laugh very often.

We arrived at the party and he introduced me to some people as his 'friend', which is a good thing I guess. The people were nice but it wasn't an innocent house party like I thought it would be. I didn't mind though since it wasn't too crazy. I was talking to a blonde girl, who introduced herself as Hannah. She was nice and told me she knew Alicia. Apparently, she had invited Alicia to come to this party, but she came up with an excuse to not go. I chuckled quietly when Hannah told me she had to babysit, because we all know she's free tonight. Brandon motioned for me to go over to him as I was talking to Hannah. I guessed he wanted to dance so I excused myself and walked up to him.

Demi's POV 

I was sitting in bed talking to Marissa when Alicia walked in. 

"Oh, oops sorry. I didn't want to wake you if you were sleeping so I didn't knock." She apologized. "I hope I didn't interrupt you guys, I can come back tomorrow?" She asked more than said. 

"No no, it's okay. We were just talking. Sit with us!" 

Unlike Serena, Alicia has been visiting me. She kept telling me Serena was too ashamed to show herself which was why I was so surprised I got to see her yesterday. 

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