chapter 15

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Demi's POV

I couldn't believe I told Serena I like her and I, for sure, couldn't believe she liked me back. I haven't told anyone about it yet. Not even Marissa, even though I'm sure she already knows. She's been teasing me about it since the day I've met her.

I felt stupid for the way I told Serena. I wanted to sum up all the reasons why I like her, but I just couldn't. I felt very confident at first, but actually sitting next to the most beautiful woman I've ever seen and planning on telling her was the most nerve wrecking thing ever.

I held her hand and didn't want to loosen my grip, but I knew I had to.

The rest of the day at the theme park was pretty cool. I've seen a lot of friends and family I hadn't seen in a while and we've made a lot of fun. Serena and I both pretended as if nothing happened on the Ferris wheel but I'd catch her looking at me and she'd smile all the time.

My family told me goodbye and went home. My friends went home as well but I'd see them later the night at the club. Marissa stayed at my house. She wanted to make sure I wore the dress she chose.

"Mar," I started.

She put the mascara she was using down and turned to look at me. "yeah?"

"I told Serena I like her." I admitted.

She raised an eyebrow. "Wait, you told her before telling me?" 

"You're missing the point." I chuckled. 

The biggest smile grew on her face. "I'm so proud of you for finally admitting it." She laughed. "You didn't even have to tell me, by the way. I knew since day one." She proudly smiled. 

"You know me better than I know myself." 

"Wait, are you two dating now? What did she say? She's admitted on liking you back, right?" She turned her whole body towards me and patiently waited for answers. 

"Well, I haven't asked her out yet, so we basically aren't but I guess she'll say yes since she kissed me after I told her." I smiled, thinking back at a few hours ago. 

"Yay!" Marissa clapped and jumped up and down causing me to roll my eyes. "Now you're deffo wearing the black dress. She won't even dare to think about saying no!" 

We finished putting makeup on and got dressed. Marissa suggested that I curl my hair since I've already worn it straight to the theme park. 

We did not rent out the club because we didn't want to draw attention from paparazzi, yet they were there. Marissa and I hid our faces and ignored them like always. We went in and Alicia immediately greeted us. 

"Where's Serena?" I asked after a while of chatting. 

"Your girl is back in there." Alicia pointed and winked. I guess Serena told her. I made my way to where Alicia told me Serena is and saw her talking to Emily and Melanie. She didn't look very comfortable so I decided to go save her. 

"He only wanted me for sex so I dumped him and went for his brother." Melanie said. 

Serena nodded awkwardly. 

"Hey girls, mind if I steal Serena for a while?" 

"Demi, hey!" Emily squealed. I hugged them and walked away with Serena. 

"What did you steal me for?" She smiled, probably knowing the answer.

I laughed. "You looked very uncomfortable. Besides, dancing with me is way more fun than listening to their slutty stories." I questioned more than stated. 

"I thought you'd never ask." She winked. 


I woke up the next morning with someone's hair in my face. 


My head was pounding and I cringed in pain. I tried to get up as quite as possible and quickly realized I was barely wearing clothes.

F u c k. 

"Demi?" The woman whispered.

I let out a sigh of relief. It was Serena. 

"Uh, y-yeah?" I nervously replied. 

She shifted in bed and turned her body towards me. "Do you remember anything?" She sounded very tired. 

I tried to think back and realized I did not. I shook my head. "The last thing I remember is dancing with you." 

"Yeah, it was fun. Then you, Alicia and Marissa decided to get wasted and I had to act like the oldest while I'm actually the youngest." She said with a hint of a smile on her face. 

"Wait, where are they now?" I wondered. 

"I managed to get Marissa's adress out of her, even though she was drunk as fuck, and dropped her off first since she lived the closest and then I dropped Alicia off and then you." She chuckled. "By the way, I ran into Matt and let him drive your car so it wouldn't stay in front of the club all night." 

"What happe-"

She cut me off. "I brought you home and you were the drunkest from all three. I carried you to bed since you couldn't walk."

I waited for her to carry on but guessed she was done. She shifted in bed once more so she was leaning against the headboard and crossed her legs. I realized she was still wearing the dress she was wearing the night before. 

"Uh.. Did we have- you know?" I awkwardly asked.

"Sex?" She laughed. "No, we did not." 

"Then, why am I half naked?" I gripped the blanked tighter around my body. 

She broke eye contact and it seemed like she started blushing. "Well," I could tell she was nervous because she made circles with her index finger on her leg. "We were close to having sex- I mean, uhm.. how do I say this?" She rambled. 

"Start from the beginning." I squeezed her hand and gave her a reassuring smile. I had no idea were this was going, but I had to know. 

She let out a deep breath. "Like I said, I dropped you off and carried you to bed. I didn't even bother making you change, you looked too tired and out of it. I tucked you in, like a little baby," She laughed. "and was about to leave but you kissed me, which lead to a make out session. Things got heated up and you, kind of, wanted sex I guess." She pointed to my dress on the floor. "You undressed yourself and tried to undress me but I nicely told you off." She broke eye contact again and looked down. "I kind of wanted our first time to be special, you know, and not something you can't even remember." She mumbled. "You started crying and asked me if I could at least hold you. I did and I must've fallen asleep at some point." 

By the time she finished talking I was looking at her with wide eyes. I tried to remember any of this but I couldn't. "Sorry?" I croaked.

"Don't be. You were drunk." She smiled. 


"Yes?" She looked up at me. 

"Can I take you out? Like, you know, a date." I nervously asked. 

A huge smile crept on her face. "I'd love that." She cocked her head to one side. "Wouldn't your secret come out then?" She asked.

"What secret? Honey, I came out years ago." I laughed. 

"Oh really?"

"Yes, my fans were very supportive about it and made comments about knewing I was gay all along," I laughed. "and you know there's always haters but I couldn't care less." 

"That's amazing." She smiled her brilliant smile. God, she's so perfect.

People say you don't fall fast, but I knew I was falling in love with Serena Marie.  

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