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Demi's POV

Serena and I were sitting on my bed playing twenty questions. Like we were a few months ago. "Who's your favorite person you had sex with?" She asked, grinning.

I love to see Serena's smile. The girl took my heart and has it. I can see my future with her. I can see our kids, her and I in one house. We'd make great kids, not even gonna lie about that.

I love how, a few months ago, I didn't even know Serena. She was a stranger sitting at the coffee table. I couldn't help but go join her. She attracted me, I felt attached to her before we even talked.

"Hmmmm," I pretended to be thinking.

"Are you joking." She fake gasped.

"You." I winked. "I thought you were good the first time but girl, you get better each day."

She threw her head back as she laughed. "Thanks, I love you too." She stuck her tongue out. "Your turn, babe."

I thought about a question as I ate some crisps. "Sexuality." I smiled.

"Aw, babe! You remember that too." She smiled really big. "Well, guess I can't say I'm straight anymore." She laughed.

"No, you can't." I kissed her cheek.

"I'm going with bisexual." She laughed.

I stared at her, taking in her beauty. She's so beautiful. Her hair was darker now. She's dyed it black a few days ago. It was long and shiny. She was wearing white shorts, making her long legs seem tanner.

"Babe." Serena snapped her fingers in front of my face. "Whipe that face-eating smile off your face and answer my question."

"Sorry, beautiful, I didn't hear your question." I smiled innocently.

"Remember when you made me meet Emily and Melanie, those awkward twins. I felt so awkward." She repeated her question as she laughed about the memory.

"I honestly didn't know you'd feel awkward." I pouted. "I'm sorry. Talking about Emily and Melanie, I haven't talked to them in for-eeeever." I said, dragging out the word.

She shook her head, laughing at me. "You're such a kid."

"Oh, oh, remember when I was on Ellen and she showed a pic of us kissing and I told them we were drunk." I laughed quietly.

"You did that?" She fake gasped and slapped me playfully. "Should've just told them I was your hot ass new lover." I gushed.

"Someone's cocky." I laughed.

"Don't you think it's really weird we've only known each other for a few months?" She suddenly asked.

"Really," I replied. "I feel like I've known you my whole life."

"Aw, me too." She cuddled up to me. "I love you."

"I love you." I wouldn't be able to whipe the smile off my face, even if I wanted to.

"Let's go, I want to take you somewhere." I jumped off my bed and pulled her with me.

"Where?" She let go of my hand to take the bag of crisps with her.

I laughed and shook my head. "You'll see, baby."


"I think I know where you're taking me." Serena eyed me, smiling like an idiot.

"No, you do not! Close your eyes." I demanded.

She giggled adorably and closed her eyes. "You actually drive like a grandma, hurry up."

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