Chapter flour I mean four

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A/N: Well last chapter you got a model/serious picture of Colby now it's only fair you get one of Sam 

C  O  L  B  Y

I wake up in my room and roll out of bed, glancing at my walls (which were covered in sticky notes). Even though it was a prank, I think it looks pretty cool.  It's been a few weeks since Sam and I filmed the truth or strip video, and we deleted it already. The questions were too far, and people were commenting so much hate. 

Sam had been acting strangely ever since that day, and it's been worrying me. Maybe I should ask him... Maybe he needs help, or at least someone to talk to. I walked upstairs to Sam's room and knocked.

"Come in!" 

I open the door and Sam swivels around on his chair to face me.

"Hey, Sam I was just wondering what's been going on with you; you've been acting sorta strange." I sat on his bed.

"Oh.. I'm fine, really. Did you want to film the bounce house video now? We should start soon, so that we can edit it and get it uploaded."

He changed the subject too quickly. He doesn't want  to talk about it, at least not to me.

I let it slip. "Yeah, sure. Let's get everyone else." Sam nodded and we called everyone to the room we were filming the intro in. I set up the camera on the bar counter and pressed record.

"WHAT'S up guys, it's Sam and Colby!" I started.

"And... Everyone else." Aaron added.

I quickly told them what we were doing along with a bit of improv to make it funnier. 

"We're here with Corey! Aaron! and Jake! and TODAYYY... You guys liked it up so we're going to be doing another bounce house video." Sam said, in his over-exaggerated 'video voice'.

It's crazy how we can entirely change our attitudes for the sake of a YouTube video. A second ago, we were talking like normal people and now were shouting and being energetic. Sam seemed like he was back to normal, but I still knew he wasn't. There's something on his mind, I just can't place it...

Sam jolted me out of my thoughts as we went to get up to the roof. We had some trouble putting the bounce house up but eventually we made it and blew it up to size. We were careful not to put too much stress in the bounce house because we were on a roof, and that's not meant to be jumped on, especially by a bunch of grown men. Well, we had fun anyways. It was always good to film a video when tension was high; it helped us get all our nervous energy out. 

We eventually threw it off the roof and even though it landed on Aaron's car, it didn't break anything. After filming our outro, we went back inside and sat down at the counter. Sam moved the footage onto the computer for me since it was my turn to edit and then he went to go help everyone put away the bounce house. I edited for what seemed like hours, and, as it turned out, it was hours. I was just finishing up when I was grabbed from behind and someone made a snorting noise in my ear. 

I jumped and whipped around to see Sam laughing. 

"You don't know how long I wanted to get you back on that!" He laughed, resting his arms on the back of my chair.

I laughed and looked at him. He was very close to me. His face was less than a foot away from mine. He must have been realizing the same thing, because he got red in the face and backed away a bit. I decided to confront him while he was uncomfortable.

"Why are you embarrassed?" I asked bluntly.

"What? Oh, I'm n-not I'm fine," he said, caught off guard.

"Sam I know you. I can tell that something's bothering you, and I want to help!" I said earnestly.

He suddenly assumed an angry and defensive position. "Why do you keep asking me that? Nothing is wrong with me. I don't know what's ruffled your feathers lately, but I swear, I'm fine." he turned around and walked upstairs angrily.

I was shocked. Sam never yelled or argued with me. If he was trying to cover something up, he was only making it more obvious.

S  A  M

I stormed upstairs and locked my door. I crash landed on my bed and let my anger slip from my face. 

I can't believe I just yelled at Colby for trying to understand me. It's been weeks and I'm still trying to process what's going on with my mood and newfound feelings. Every time I'm talking to Colby I just get awkward and embarrassed and defensive, as if I'm talking to a middle school crush. I need to get this thing out of my head. It's ruining our friendship. 

But maybe it can make our friendship so much more... No, stop! Why is it that every time I'm about to get somewhere psychologically I fall back into this? Come on, you've flipped the off switch for other crushes before, do it again! I thought about all the reasons why I shouldn't like him. He's your best friend. He's the same gender (no hate). Neither of us are gay. We have fans that probably won't like it. Our roommates would have to agree. It would take a while to get back to normal. We'd be accepted eventually. We'd be happy...  HOW DID I GET HERE?! 

I got up and left the house. I need to hit something, and I wasn't about to do that with Colby watching my every move. I drove to the nearest park and threw stones at a concrete wall, watching them shatter and dispersing my frustration with every small explosion. I soon ran out of good-sized rocks within my reach and sat down on a park bench, thinking about what to do. This was all a very bad idea. We were happy before; we can still be happy the same way. I'm the one causing the strain. It's all my fault. 

This is very uncharacteristic thinking for me. I'm always positive, not letting anything tear me down.

But now I'm the one tearing me down.

A/N: yay! Another chapter. so I started this and got to about the first paragraph and LITERALLY got sidetracked and watched a bunch of Sam and Colby... Ahh ADD. 

Please give me feedback! I'd like to know what you guys think. 

>>>Should I make the chapters longer/shorter? Will Colby finally stop being stupid and realize what's wrong with Sam?<<<

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