Chapter one bc I'm original

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Today I'm filming a video with Colby for our YouTube channel. This one's going to be preettty awkward since we're doing the Truth or Strip challenge. Oh well, we know what we're doing. We've done it before. I call Colby down from his room so we can start the video.


"Coming!" I heard from his room.

We went outside and pressed record.

"What's up guys, it's Sam and Colby!" Colby started.

"Today we're doing part two to the Truth or Strip... Game? Challenge?"  I thought a moment.

"Yeah, somethin' or another."

"Challenge." I said, deciding.

We explained the game/challenge/thing a bit further, while adding in the fact that we were doing it in a hot tub, while pouring ice on each other. Ice bucket challenge on steroids YAY! We started asking each other questions we had selected and answering them... Or else. The water was freezing. Every now and then I would put ice in my hands and rub it down Colby's back. It was funny to watch him arch his back to get away from the cold. 

Eventually the questions got awkward. Some things we couldn't say on camera... Luckily we both had hats and they were the first to go. Colby answered a..... Questionable question that made everything awkward from that point on. I noticed that he struck the most defensive pose (holding your arms across your chest) and laughed in my head. He's cute when he's nervous.

WAIT! Okay, all you readers just read that and got confused, right? No, we're not gay or dating or whatnot. We're just best friends as we have said many times to our viewers. Sure, we like to tease them about it, but we're straight as a line. Wait no, lines can be squiggly. Straight as a... Pencil? No they have those flexible ones now. Straight as a table! wait what are tables again? I like squirrels. Nevermind, you get what I'm throwin' at ya (ARE YOU THROWING SQUIRRELS AT ME). MOVING ON!

Colby flung off his hat the second I asked him if he'd done anything with a girl named Shea.

"Woah, that was fast! I think you just answered the question." I said, grinning.

I do wonder though...... No stop it, Sam. It doesn't matter whether or not he's dating her. You probably wouldn't want to know anyways. But I do wonder... Why do I wonder? Stop It! I mentally slapped myself and ended the conversation I was having in my head.

"Oh wait, we have to pour ice on each other when we don't answer!" I grabbed a bag of ice and Colby groaned. I poured ice on him and he did the same in return. "Howly nutterbutters dude! It's cold!"

"Nutterbutters!!" He laughed.

We finished the video and I edited it. It was my turn, after all. As I was sitting at my desk with my headphones on, someone grabbed me from behind and growled in my ear.

I screeched, turning around and almost falling out of my chair in the process. "COLBYYY!!" I yelled, infuriated.

He laughed so hard he fell on my bed. He didn't even have a camera, he just did it for fun. I was angry, of course, but I let it roll off my back, watching him roll around trying to breathe (A/N well that sounds weird... No worries he's just laughing lol) I  could always forgive Colby when he was laughing. He just looked so cute.

Stop it! I mentally slapped myself again. Best friend, remember that.

A/N sorry if this was bad, I don't know my way around Wattpad yet. What do you think about it? Also little warning, I write ALOT. Sorry if the chapters are unbearably long.

Leave a comment just so I can have feedback! Just wanna know what you guys think : D

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