This chapter eight teens WHAT? RUNNN!

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Colby came home so I quickly got dressed. I decided to wear my short sleeve grey and black hoodie with jeans and some cool light brown shoes. 

We got in the car and Colby drove us.

"I brought my camera to film a bit," I said, pulling out my camera. 

"Okay." He smiled and I pressed record.

"So we're going to get food! Where are we going Colby?" I said to the camera.

"Well, you will figure that out when we get there! It's a supriiiseee," he said, dragging out the last word.

I pulled the camera close to my face and made a terrified face. "Oh no, I'm scared!" 

I decided I would cut it there and turned the camera off. Colby glanced at me for a second, and we both just burst out laughing. He turned up the radio to basically deafening volume and we both yelled and sang the loudest we possibly could. That is, until we reached red lights, where we would turn down the music while people would stare at us. Then we'd turn it back up and continue to screech at the top of our lungs. 

Finally, we pulled into the parking lot of a resturant I'd never heard of. It was really cute and there were fairy lights in the bushes. We picked a seat outside and flipped through the menus. I remembered to record and pulled out my camera.

"Look at how freaking cute this place is! I've never been here before, have you?" I pointed the camera around and then at Colby.

"No, dude. I didn't expect it to be this fancy," he said, trying to make it seem like it was unexpected. Our viewers couldn't know that this was an actual date. Well, not yet.

"Should I do like a time lapse of us eating? It wouldn't have audio, and I can cut anything out." I looked questionably at Colby.

"Sure!" He laughed, and I set my camera down at the end of the table. I didnt film yet because I was waiting for our food. Plus, Colby and I got into one of our deep talks and I liked to keep those between us, it was our time together only. Eventually, our food came and I turned on my camera again. I ordered Cannelloni and Colby ordered Cotoletta. 

Our food was good. We sampled each others dishes to see which we liked better although they were very different types of food. I like mine and he liked his. 

"This is really nice. Thanks," I said, taking another bite. 

"Sure! Thanks for coming." We stared at eachother for a while and he stole a kiss. I smiled and he glanced at the camera. "You can just cut it out." 

We were interrupted by a crashing noise and we looked to see what it was. There on the ground was Elton and Corey, half in a bush. Elton glanced up. "Uhh.. Hi guys," 

I burst out laughing and turned my camera to face them. "What are you guys doing here?" 

"Just trying to get a pict- ow!" Elton stopped Corey by elbowing him.

"Just having a photoshoot." 

Colby glanced at me. "In the bushes of a resturant?" 

"Sure, why not?" Elton said, getting up and brushing off his clothes. He pulled Corey up too. "Well, we were just about to go.." He said, dragging Corey with him.

"Not so fast," I said, grabbing Corey. "We're you guys trying to get a picture of us on our date?" 

Corey wined, as he was now the rope in a tug of war. "No...."

"That's so rude!" Colby said. 

"Hey, it's content baby!" Elton said, jerking Corey out of my grip. They started to run off, quicker this time.

"You'd better not put in anything we wouldn't want you to!" Colby shouted after them. 

We looked at eachother and started laughing again. 

"What if they got us kissing?" I asked.

"Ehh, don't worry about it. They're not stupid enough to put it in, I know they were probably just doing a vlog sketch or something." Colby went back to his food, finishing it.

I shrugged and stacked our plates. We fought over who would pay, (Colby won) and drove home. 

We both went to my room for once, and got ready for bed. 

"Why do you like to sleep without a shirt?" I asked Colby. I always slept with a shirt, but he usually didn't.

"I don't really know. I guess it's just not so hot at night."

"That's where you're wrong," I said, kissing him. "It's very hot." 

He laughed and climbed into bed. 

He wrapped his arms around my waist and we both fell asleep.


I woke up to Colby getting out of bed. He walked over to my desk and sat down, going on his phone.

"Morning," I yawned. 

"Morning." He turned off his phone and spun around in my chair as I got up. 

There was a knock on my door.

"Come in," I said. 

Corey opened the door and gave a little wave. "I just wanted to run the video by you guys before I posted it." He pulled out his laptop.

Corey is so nice. "Thanks," I said, taking the laptop. We fast forwarded to the part about us. 

*in the video* 

Corey: okay guys, so Sam and Colby are going to go get food and we're going to follow them.

Elton: you guys get to see what Sam and Colby are like off camera!

Jumpcut to the resturant. Corey and Elton run to the bushes and duck down.

I smiled at their attempt to be sneaky.

Corey: and now, the wild Sam and Colbyyy... off cameraaaa.... Eating!

He pointed the camera at us and you saw us eating our food silently

Elton: well that was anticlimactic. 

Corey: yeah, this is pretty lame.

Corey continued to point the camera at us, and you could barely hear us talking. Colby started to lean closer to kiss me and Corey and Elton tried to get closer to see what we were doing. 

Corey: oh crap! 

Elton tripped over a branch and they both tumbled out of the bush, missing the shot. The clip ended after our awkward conversation and then Corey and Elton running away, Corey saying, ABANDON POST!! ABANDON POST! 

*video ends*

(Note! This isn't an actual video so none of this footage exists. D;)

Colby and I laughed; It was a very funny sketch. "Yeah that's fine."

Corey smiled. "Thanks guys!" 

We all laughed again. We all know how nice it is to have good footage.

A/N: yeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy thank you @Twixthetrix4Life and @AlyxTheGeek for the chapter suggestion! 

Be sure to comment a suggestion for next chapter!

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