Chapter 10 I'm on track now

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A/N: hey guys! I've been feeling like most of my readers are ghosts, because I always get reads but way less comments and votes. I don't really mind if you don't vote(I'm not really looking for that lol) I would just really REALLY appreciate it if you commented something you want to see in the future. I want this to be a story that you, the readers, can change and be able to determine what happens next! 

Also, thank you to @USCupcakes999 @AvaRose08 @Krystal549 and @Sugbuginarug for commenting and being active on my chapters. It really means a lot :D

Don't be a stranger(or a ghost :p) and enjoy the chapter!

(Update from later) I ve just been looking over the chapters and reading comments and I've realized that everyone is so extremely supportive! Thank you all for reading and commenting, you're definitely not ghosts :)



S  A  M

I pulled Colby's arm around me tighter. Somehow, he ended up holding me, even though it had started the other way around. I heard Colby groan as he pulled him arm away and flipped over. I sighed and got up, careful not to wake him. 

I put my phone in a ziplock bag and played music while I hopped in the shower. (A/N: I actually do that all the time it's the best) I was just grabbing the conditioner when Colby came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I jumped and turned to face him quickly.

"Why do you keep doing that?" I asked, a bit annoyed at him for always scaring me.

"Can't resist, you're cute when your scared." Colby smirked and leaned in to kiss me.  

I wouldn't admit it out loud, but I was a bit nervous that he was in the shower with me. "What are you doing in here anyways?" I asked suspiciously.

Colby sighed and rolled his eyes. "Don't worry, I just needed to shower too. Figured we might save water. As long as we stop sitting around and talking like girls." He reached past me and grabbed the shampoo, putting it in his hair. He absentmindedly spiked it into a Mohawk while I rinsed out the conditioner. I laughed at his hairstyle and he blushed a little, messing up his hair. 

"I liked it," I said, running my fingers through his hair. 

He smiled and spiked my hair up in different directions. He admired his work and burst out laughing. "You look like and exploded pineapple!" (-devin) Colby said.

I laughed and messed up my hair.

After getting out of the shower, I followed Colby to his room.

"Oh wait I need clothes," I said, realizing I was just following Colby around for no reason.

Colby shrugged and tossed me some of his clothes. I gave him a weird look and said, "You know my room is three feet away, right?" 

He shrugged again and said, "And the clothes you're holding are zero feet away."

I smiled and chuckled, knowing he just wanted me to wear his clothes. "Okay, you got me," I said, putting on the clothes. He had given me a plain grey t-shirt and tan colored jeans. Colby wore a red hoodie and light grey jeans. (A/N: I know they were back in the apartment in the picture but let's just pretend it's the mansion. also I kinda forgot other people lived there too pretend Elton was traveling since the start (I mean he really always is but this note is now way too long) k bye). I grabbed my laptop and we walked downstairs to see Corey in the kitchen, eating cereal. He glanced up before quickly looking back at his phone. "So'd you guys have fun last night?" He said, obviously holding back a smirk. 

I felt myself turn a bright shade of tomato red as my face heated up. I quickly walked to the fridge to avoid anyone looking at me.

"You shouldn't have been eavesdropping," Colby said, looking embarrassed.

"Wasn't eavesdropping," Corey said, still looking at his phone and starting to grin. "You should just be quieter next time."

He almost spit out his cereal trying not to laugh. Somehow, he found it incredibly funny to see us flinch awkwardly. I grabbed some homemade breakfast bars and Colby and I went and sat down on the couch. I opened my laptop to edited the video, giving one of the earbuds to Colby so he could watch while he ate if he wanted. 

Twenty or so minutes in, I felt his head slide down onto my shoulder. Great, now I can't move too much. Well, it makes sense if he's tired. He didn't sleep too much anyways. I continued editing anyways, and I was at the outro when Colby pulled me closer and wrapped his arms around mine in his sleep. I froze; now I couldn't move at all if I didn't want to disturb him. As heavy of a sleeper he was, he looked exhausted and I didn't want to take the chance.

Of course, Corey chose this time to walk into the room to grab a water bottle. He looked at me and grinned. "Good luck editing." He saluted me with two fingers and walked upstairs. 

I sighed and sat still for a while, just wondering what I should do. I guess there's only one thing I could do, and that's to stop editing and sleep as well. I barely moved my arms and just used my hands to close iMovie. I sat back and looked at Colby. How is it that this kid can look even cuter when he's sleeping? He's already adorable when he's awake. I smiled and rested my head against his, finding a comfortable position before drifting off to sleep. I guess I was tired, too. 

C  O  R  E  Y

Sam and Colby. They were good together, they always had been as friends. It was still surprising to Corey, though. He had always joked around with Colby about gay stuff on camera and off, but he never expected Colby to actually turn out that way. He shuddered a bit. As much as he thought it was funny to see them embarrassed, he didn't want to imagine what happened with them last night. He could already guess, of course; he'd heard them. They weren't that loud, it was just the imagination part that kept Corey awake. Still, he didn't mind. As he thought before, they were good together.

C  O  L  B  Y

I woke up to realize that I was hugging Sam tightly. He was asleep, clearly tired. I spotted the laptop that was half shut on his legs and put two and two together. Dang it! I must have stopped him from editing. That boy was just too kind to wake me for any reason. I carefully let go of Sam and placed his Mac on my lap, opening it and putting on the headphones. He was almost done, and I finished it for him. I got up and went to the kitchen, making two sandwiches. I would have ordered pizza, but I know Sam doesn't like it. 

Arms wrapped around me and I jumped. "Gotcha back!" Sam murmured in my ear, still sounding half asleep. 

I smiled and turned to face him, holding out his sandwich. "Thanks for editing the rest of the video," he said, tugging on the strings of my hoodie and taking the plate. 

"It's was the least I could do for making you stop early," I said, lifting my hood up so I could see. (Idk why but I wrote that sentence 4 times)

We walked back to the couch and watched our video together before uploading it. 

This is perfect, I thought to myself. Things couldn't get any better.

A/N: another chapter :) wonder what chapter I'll end the book on! I don't want to end this book, I like writing it. But I mean all good things come to an end.

I might start updating only every other day, I do need sleep too! 

Hope you enjoyed!!

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