WOAH I just realized my book has 31 chapters

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^^^I had to with the gif it was too wonderful even though it's not related to the chapter^^^

C  O  L  B  Y

It's been a few days since I told Sam where he was, almost a week. He's been pretty much the same, neither improving or getting worse. I visited him every day, and he was usually responsive. On the days that he wasn't, I'd sit with him in silence, watching the rise and fall of his breathing. 

He was always so sweet, calm and intelligent. Considerate and thoughtful were words that I could associate with him at all times. As I drove down to see him, I thought of his dirty blonde hair, sky blue eyes and soft white skin. He was perfect in my eyes, nothing could change that.

I checked in to the hospital and went straight to Sam's room. The doctor was not there.

"Hey Sam!"

"Hey Colby!" I could see him smile just a little.

"How are you?" I sat down on his bed.

"Bored. Nothing to do here, usually. It's always nice when you come around though."

"Yeah, I like stopping by too. It's the highlight of my day."

"It's the only light in my day." He joked. 

I laughed.

We were silent for a few moments, nothing left to say. It's as if the hospital sucked all the words and energy out of the room. As if the people who stayed here needed life so bad, the very building harbored their hunger. 

"How have things been with everyone else?" Sam asked.

"Pretty good. Uncle Elton and Aunt Corey went home today. They told me to come with them, but I said I had a dead white fish to worry about."

He laughed, his smile widening. "That's right, you have to take care of your dead albino beta fish!" 

"Hey! You are definitely considered tuna."

"Fair enough. What does that make you?"

"I would obviously be a shark named Steve." I said.

"Well then my name must be Leslie!"

I laughed. "Your name has always been Leslie."

He sighed. "I wish..."

"...more than anything." I finished.

"Ugh shut up!" He laughed.

"Okay, okay. I'll just leave." I got up.

"No please stay!"

"I can't, I've got filming to do!" I smiled and backed away.

"Okay... See you later." 

I left the hospital and went back to my hotel to film. There wasn't much for me to do, so I was just doing a Q and A.

I set up my equipment, filmed, and put it all away. Boring. (AHAHA I fell asleep here and in my dream I was carrying a box of stuff down some stairs. I tripped on one stair and instead of catching myself I just spasmed in my bed and woke myself up) 

Life wasn't the same without Sam. When he was here, anything could be fun. I could be cleaning, cooking, doing the dishes or even sleeping, and I'd feel happy and comfortable. Now even the things that were fun on their own just aren't. 

Now that I'm done, I go to sleep. I can always edit tomorrow, after all, time seems very plentiful now a days. I haven't slept soundly since Sam's accident. It's too empty without him by my side. Still, I manage to fall asleep.

In the morning I wake up to my phone ringing. Groaning, I grab it off the nightstand and answer. 


"Hello, is this Mr. Brock?" A woman's voice says.

"Yes, that's me."

"We have news from the hospital about Samuel Golbach."

My heart started racing. "What? Is he okay?"

"Yes, sir, he is better than okay, actually. He just woke up and is requesting to see you."

I'm frozen and I don't know what to do. Sam is awake... The thought barely materializes in my brain.

"Are you still there?"

"What? Oh, yes of course! I'm on my way now. Thank you so much!" I hung up and threw on some pants and grabbed my keys.

I drove tensely, my mind going a million miles an hour. Will he be able to come home? Can he leave the hospital? Will the doctor have to keep him there?

I rushed into the building and went to Sam's room. The door opened when I knocked and I walked inside.

There was Sam, still in bed. But one thing had changed(actually I'm sure a few things changed but you know what I mean, noticeably.), his eyes were open. His soft blue gaze rested on me. I missed seeing his eyes.


I walked over and sat down, hugging him. Tears pushed their way out from under my eyelids as I felt him hug me back. "You're awake!"

"Yeah, I noticed." I laughed. Even in the most serious times, he was still making jokes. 

"I missed you so much." 

"I know, I missed you too. I missed being able to see you for real, not just in my head."

"I'm here now, I swear. I'm real."

He smiled and kissed me softly. The doctor left us alone for a minute, thank god, otherwise this might've been more awkward for him. 

We pulled away and I looked at him. He looked so much better, even though it had only been one night. His skin looked warmer and he had a faint tint of pink in his face. 

"Can you help me sit up? I'm a little uncomfortable laying down, but I'm not that strong."

I quickly put my hands behind his shoulders and pulled him up, propping a pillow behind him. 

"Thanks." He leaned up and kissed me again. I missed this too.

"I don't know what to say. I spent so long just waiting for you and hoping you'd wake up, and now you have and I'm just sitting here." I said.

"I know, I feel the same way. Not about you waking up, of course." 

I chuckled. "Yeah. You'd think we'd know how to show emotion better by now."

"Reality just felt like saying 'PSYCH'!" He laughed. 

I laughed with him. It's always welcome when we find something to joke about. It's comfortable and settling.

Interrupting our conversation, the doctor came in to talk about Sam's recovery.

"He's made quite unexpected progress today. I'll have to check him over, but he may be able to leave within the next couple days." 

I got excited by the idea. Sam might be home soon!

We thanked the doctor for all that he had done. He was a very kind man, and he always checked up on Sam and sometimes talked to him when Sam was bored. Not to mention that he went along with Sam's fantasy world instantly.

I stayed with Sam all night, and the doctor allowed it. We talked about everything under the sun, from ninjas, to nyan cats, to Donald Trump. Yes, I mean everything when I say everything. 

Once everything was said, we fell asleep together. Finally, I felt okay.

Dundundudnudndundudndundudndundundun sorry I felt like it lol

Next chapter is big... Don't miss that one for sure

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