Chapter twelve dancing princesses

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A/N: sorry I changed my schedule on you guys! I'm just hoping it means I can take more time on these chapters and give you some better quality content. 

WOAH JUST LOOKED AND 700 READS?! I had 400 yesterday! Thank u so much guys!!

S  A  M

I heard Colby come home and go into his room last night. I'll admit I secretly peeked in to check on him. He had been sound asleep, and most likely drunk. 

In the morning, he came downstairs with his hand on his forehead.

"Doing okay?" I laughed as he groaned and shut his eyes tight.

"No, I have the worst headache." He sat down across  from me and laid his head on the counter. I poured myself some fruitloops and grabbed a spoon. His phone buzzed, and he looked at it. I pretended not to be interested as his eyes widened and he glanced into the other room, where Corey was sitting. 

"What is it?" I asked casually, eating my cereal.

C  O  L  B  Y

what do I do?! I looked back down at the text Corey sent me.

C: you have to show him or I will

(@That_awkward_potato photo creds)

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(@That_awkward_potato photo creds)

I looked back up at Sam. Okay, just do it!

"Hey, Sam..."

"Yeah?" Oh boy.

"Well, see... At the party," I stuttered. I cant even remember any of this! So thats what I said. "Please dont be mad, I can't even remember what happened." I slowly handed him my phone and watched his face. His eyes widened and I could see the hurt reflected in them. I wish I could keep him from feeling this pain, like last time.

He looked up suddenly. "Why?" He whispered.

I didnt know what to say; I couldnt remember enough to give him an answer. I had expected him to yell and throw things, but his quiet sorrow hurt me more than any physical pain. He got up and walked upstairs silently.

I sat there in the kitchen for a long time, just thinking.

S  A  M

I will not be angry about this. I will not. I tried to reason with myself. I could see that he wasnt in his right mind last night. He probably didnt know what he was doing. But he must have had some reasoning left in him, right? He was concious; he would have known. I wasnt angry, but I couldn't help the silent tears that I wiped off my face as they leaked out and wetted my eyelashes.

C  O  L  B  Y

I got up and went to talk to Corey. I might not be able to remember, but Corey might.

When I approached Corey, he tried to walk away quickly. I caught his arm.

"What happened?" I asked him.

"It doesn't matter." He avoided looking at me.

"It does if I can explain it to Sam!" I said angrily.

He sighed and started to explain, glancing at me now and then. "People were playing spin the bottle while you and Andrew were talking by the snack table and everyone wanted you guys to play. Andrew did right away but you refused at first. Everyone was shouting your name so you gave in and spun the bottle, kissing Andrews girlfriend. After that, I pulled you and Brennan out and drove you home."

I let go of his arm, looking down at my socks, and rubbed my face roughly. I knew I had to talk to Sam. At least, I needed to listen to him and let him talk to me.

Corey patted me on the back and walked away. I sighed and went upstairs to confront Sam, knocking on his door lightly.

"Please go away." He was so polite about it that I wanted to go, just to obey him. But I stayed.

"Sam, can I come in?" I asked hesitatingly.


I opened the door slowly and was Sam, who was sitting on his bed with his knees to his chest like a child. I wanted to hug him, to make him feel better, but I knew I couldn't. Instead, I sat on the opposite end of the bed and he buried his head in his knees.

"Can you please leave, Colby?" He said quietly.

"No, Sam. I want to stay here with you to help you."

"And to fix what you broke?" He looked up slowly and stared at me dully, the familiar playful light gone from his eyes. I looked at him straight on and I saw how right his words were. This was my fault, and I needed to fix it.

"I'm sorry, Sam." I didnt make any excuses. I knew they would be lies.

Sam turned away from me to wipe his face with his sleeve. "Please just go."

This time I did as he said and left him alone. I went to my room and sat on the bed. What do I do? I know I messed up, but I dont know how to fix my mistake. The longer I take to figure it out, thr longer Sam suffers.

I thought about Sam. He didnt deserve any of this. He was always so sweet, so caring and understanding. I gave away our bond when I played that game, and now I had to fight to get it back. Do I even deserve it? Maybe not, but Sam does. Sam, with his crazy blond hair and his straight smile.

I just wanted to take away his pain; I just wanted to see him smile again.

A/N: i know it's short, sorry!!! I wrote it on a different device that wouldn't tell me how long it was so I couldn't pace myself very well. 

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