Chapter eleven I'm running out of title ideas

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C  O  L  B  Y

Tonight I was going to a birthday party because my friend, Andrew was turning 20. He said to dress casually, and bring a drink or snack. I threw on a blue t-shirt along with ripped black jeans and my black beanie. I quickly ran downstairs and grabbed a large bag of chips I had bought earlier. Sam heard me come down and came over to say goodbye, as he wasn't going to the party because he had gotten sick and needed to rest. 

"Bye, have fun!" He said, giving me a peck.

I smiled. "I won't have nearly as much fun as I would if you were coming."

"Ah, shut your big mouth, you great pile of cheese." He kissed me again, and pushed me out the door. "Don't have too much fun!" He winked and shut the door. 

I got in my car and drove to Brennan's. Corey texted me, saying he was already there and I didn't need to drive him. Oops, I forgot Corey was coming. I would have left him at home. 

I knocked on the door. Some barking was heard, and then the door opened wide. 

"Hey Brennan!" I said, walking inside. A little grey and brown ball wiggled around at my feet and I bent down to pet him. "My son! Hey, Kobe I missed you!" I said to the dog, ruffling his fur. Corey was sitting on the couch, and he looked up when I came in.

"Hey," he said. "Ready to go?" 

"Yeah, let's go!" 

Corey was the designated driver for the night. We drove to the party, blaring our music and singing at the top of our lungs. We turned onto the street the house was on and had to turn off our music because it clashed with the music that was coming from the house. Corey parked and we all climbed out with our snacks and drinks. When we walked through the door we were greeted by Andrew and a bunch of other people I didn't know. We put our snacks down on the table and went to socialize. 

"Hey, want something?" Brennan asked me, walking to the snack table again. 

"Sure!" I yelled over the music. He came back in a few seconds with a plate of cheese and crackers and three beers. He handed me and Andrew a beer and took one himself. 

"I'm not 21!" I yelled into Brennan's ear so he was the only one who could hear me.

"Lighten up brother, it's a party! And don't worry, you're not driving." 

I smiled a bit and took the beer. It was fine. I just didn't want to get drunk, but what's one beer going to do? I casually took a sip. It wasn't bad, so I took another sip. I held it in my hand while I continued talking to Andrew. We hadn't seen each other in a while, so we had plenty to catch up on. He had a girlfriend now, and he pointed her out to me. She was pretty cute; dark hair and green eyes.

"So do you have a girlfriend, Colby? Probably, eh? A guy like you is a ladies man at all times!" Andrew asked, laughing.

I got a bit red and said, "Nope! No girlfriend...Ehh, I don't need one."

"Ahh, really! How come nobody's snatched you up, man? Look at you!"

I felt pretty awkward at this point. All I could say was, "Thanks."

"Hey, you better drink that soon or it'll get warm." He gestured to my beer, which I was gripping tight. "Warm beer is nasty, trust me."

I loosened my grip a little and drank some. 

"Hey, you doing okay? You look a little flushed." Oh, you mean my GLOWING RED FACE?

"Yeah, I'm fine!" I said, giving him a smile and taking another swig of my beer. I choked a little on it as it threatened to shoot out my nose. I laughed it off, saying "It went up my nose!"I coughed a little and he laughed.

"That's the worst." 

Our conversation was pretty comfortable after that, and no girlfriends were mentioned. Every now and then, Andrew would drink some of his beer and I'd remember to do the same. A few minutes and most of my beer later, we were interrupted by some shouting over by the couch. We turned to look and saw everyone crowded around the coffee table, cheering. We walked over to see that people were playing Spin the Bottle.

"Hey, join us!" Andrew's girlfriend said. Andrew pulled me into the circle and spun the bottle. It landed on a guy and everyone laughed, cheering. He leaned over and kissed the guy really fast and everyone yelled. 

"Colby, you have a go!" Andrew yelled to me. 

"Aw naw, I really shouldn't!" I said, thinking about Sam. Corey made a throat-cutting motion with his hand, warning me against it. 

"Come on, Colby! Don't be a chicken!" Brennan laughed.

Pretty soon the crowd was chanting my name. Everyone wanted me to do it. Well, they weren't going to give in anytime soon. I drank the last of my beer quickly and spun the bottle. Corey face palmed as everyone cheered, and I realized it was pointing towards Andrew's girlfriend. I looked at Andrew, giving him a questioning glance.

He shrugged and smiled. "The bottle is king." He bowed a bit in jest.

People were already yelling "Makeout!" And I went over the the girl. I pulled her face closer and pressed my lips to hers. As I tried to pull away, she leaned in further and bit my bottom lip. Me, being the idiot I am, kept kissing back. Everyone was oohing and laughing hysterically. Sam popped into my head and I quickly pulled away from her and sat back down. 

Corey was looking at me like he might just murder me. I gave him a look and shrugged. He shook his head and walked away. Andrew patted me on the back, laughing, and somebody handed me a beer. People were still playing the game as I sipped it and turned around to see Brennan kissing a girl. I laughed for some reason, it wasn't even funny. 

This went in for some time until Corey pulled us out and said we were going home. He was silent throughout the car ride home until he dropped Brennan off. I tried to get out of the car at Brennan's but he stopped me.

"I have to get my car!" I said.

"Dude, I don't think you should be driving." 

Oh that's right, I had a beer. Or two? No just one, I think. I was having trouble wrapping my mind around what had happened at the party. Corey drove home and we got out to go inside. 

"Hey, S-" Corey stopped me from announcing our arrival. 

"You're going to have to talk to Sam."

"I do that all the time," I said, wondering why he had his feathers in a knot.

"No, I mean he's going to be mad!"

"Well why?" 

"Because of this!" He pulled out his phone and showed me a picture of some people kissing. 

"Well who is that?" I squinted, trying to make out the faces. It was no use, they remained blurry. 

"That's you."

"Mm that's nice." A wave of tiredness hit me all of the sudden and I tried to close my eyes. Corey sighed and poked me, realizing it was a waste to talk to me right now. He dragged me upstairs to my room and dropped me on the bed, turning out the lights. He closed the door and left me to sleep.

A/N: THUNDERSTORM AHEAD! We all expected this... Ugh I hate writing about drinking; it always seems too cliche. Guy gets drunk and cheats. Saw that coming!

>>>>>>I might be updating every other day now! I'm just trying it out so sorry if I don't actually do that... Upredictability whoop whoop.<<<<<

Comment whether you think Sam will forgive him or not! 

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