Character Q and A

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A  U  T  H  O  R (meeee)

broblyisreal: Did Sam get up and leave or did he disappear as if this was all a dream in Colby's head?

He ran away. Dang now you got me wishing I could've made that a crazy plot twist! I guess it would just over complicate things though.

S  A  M

FantasyAndFanfiction: Sam, what's your favorite clothing you own?

Uhh, my merch, obviously! Which you can find at! Shameless self promo #alwaysplug

mystimoo: Sam, why the heck did you leave?!

A couple different reasons. One being... Hey! Spoilers.

C  O  L  B  Y

mystimoo: Colby, Sam will come around I promise, and if he doesn't I can promise you that someone will die *cough* *cough* Author-Chan/Kun *cough* *cough*

Hehe... I'm not sure whether to be comforted or scared for my storyline

FantasyAndFanfiction: which celebrity would you want to COLLAB with most?

Not Bignik.

C  O  R  E  Y 

mystimoo: Dorey (Devyn and Corey), I'm running out of questions sooo, how was your day?

Devyn says hi from the bathroom! My day is going okay; I ate a hot cheeto from under the couch this morning and tried to use a pogo stick as a defense mechanism(kids don't try that at home). Then Doug and Phil took my camera to investigate their sons wheat making business. Id say it's a successful day in the life of a günthy günther!

E  L  T  O  N

mystimoo: Elton, How are you handling all of this?

Honestly, I feel pretty bad. It kinda my fault Sam got into the big mess; I was the one who took him to New Zealand AND had him stand on those slippery rocks. But I can't really blame myself, how was I to know it would start raining? And he's safe at home now, isn't he? Still, I'm probably the worst uncle ever 😉

A  A  R  O  N

mystimoo: Aaron, how do I pronounce your name. A A Ron, or Aaron

It's pronounced like Erin, except... Well that's a girls name and I'm not a girl, I guess it's 2017  and that doesn't really matter— Wait I don't think that's how that works.. Never mind. This kinda went downhill so I'm gonna put a period at the end of this unnecessarily long and painful sentence.

That's all the questions! This book is now *click* COMPLETE. yay, I get to flip the satisfying switch!!!! 

IF you are very upset with me about this book, THEN you'd do well to not be upset at me anymore by checking out the sequel called Time || Solby! 

❤️Thank you all for everything you guys do, I'm super happy my account has come this far!❤️

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