Chapter seventeen.

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Also the video is for all you turdles talking about the picture of Sam with the knife

C  O  L  B  Y

Sam had just finished editing so we went downstairs to get dinner. Devyn made spaghetti tonight so we actually had something good to eat.

We didn't exactly have a dining table so we all spread out in the TV room either on the couch or one of the bean bags. 

"Thanks for the dinner, Devyn," Aaron said. 

"Yeah, thanks," everyone else followed.

"You're welcome. Corey helped me too!" She smiled.

"Thanks Coreyyy!" We all laughed, knowing that Corey was... Not quite a chef. 

We ate in silence for a while; you can't really talk too much when your mouth is full of spaghetti. The food tasted good and the noodles were just the right texture.

Everyone was here, and I glanced at Sam for a minute. Do we tell them? I pushed my thoughts at him, trying to communicate telepathically. 

He gave me a confused look and I raised my eyebrows in emphasis, glancing around the room. He mouthed 'oh' and shrugged. 

I sighed and said, "Uh.. So I just wanted to make a quick announcement."

Everyone turned to look at me. "I know most of you guys know already, but I just wanted to make sure you knew in case you didn't catch on." I glanced at Sam nervously and he smiled, taking over.

"We did tell some of you this outrightly, but Aaron, you've kinda been hiding in your room for a while." Everyone laughed and looked at Aaron for a second. He'd always sleep late and either be gone or be holed up in his room, making a video. 

Sam inhaled. "Well, what we wanted to say is that we're dating. Officially."

The room was silent and everyone turned to look at Aaron. He was really the only one who wouldn't know yet.

"Is this a prank or something?" He said.

Corey laughed. "No dude, this has been going on for like, a week or so now." 

"Really? Well, congratulations," he said, still looking startled. 

"Thanks," I laughed. Aaron was so funny when he was surprised. He took a while to process things sometimes. 

We finished eating after some talking and laughing. 

"I'm still kind of waiting for one of you to pull out a hidden camera," Aaron laughed. 

We all put away our dishes and went to different places in the house. I stayed in the kitchen with Sam while he made some MiO. 

A thought popped into my head. "Hey, I just realized that we haven't gone on an actual date yet." 

He looked up. "Oh, you're right. We've kinda just been home all week."

"Would you want to go on a date?"

"Yeah," he smiled. "How about tomorrow?"

"Sounds good." 

We turned to look as Elton whistled. "You guys are going on a date? Have fun," he smirked a bit and grabbed a water bottle before going upstairs.

Sam chuckled and murmured something about 'his immature uncle'. He finished mixing the MiO and we both went upstairs to our rooms.

I took off my shirt and put on some pajama pants. In the bathroom, I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I stumbled back into my room and fell back on my bed, tired from the day. I picked up my phone and did whatever random thing I felt like before finally falling asleep.


I rolled out of bed and looked through my closet. Today is important and I need something nice to wear. 

However, if I wear something too out-of-the-ordinary our followers will get suspicious; Sam said he was gonna vlog our date for a bit of footage. It was fine by me because he wasn't going to say it was a date. It's perfectly normal for two guys to get something to eat together, I do it with Brennan all the time. 

Eventually I picked out a grey heathered hoodie and some jeans. I put on my dog tag necklace and finished getting ready. After showering, I put on the clothes and knock on Sam's door.

He opens it and I see that he's wearing a t-shirt and shorts.

"What are you wearing for tonight?" I asked him.

"I haven't decided yet. Are you wearing that?" 

"Yeah. That okay?"

"Perfectly fine," he smiled and closed the door behind us, walking downstairs with me. 

 I was going out to hang with Brennan today because he wanted me to  be in his video. I decided that it wasn't the best idea to wear these clothes yet, so I changed before I left. I said goodbye to Sam and drove over to Brennan's. When I got there and knocked on his door and turned on my camera. He opened it with his camera and greeted me.

"Hellooooooo brother!" He said excitedly.

"Hey brother! You look good!" I said in the same tone, playing along with him for the cameras. I pointed my camera down at Brennan's dog Kobe and petted him.

"Ah my son! I missed you." 

I looked back up at Brennan and we took our cameras to his living room. He put his camera on the tripod and we grabbed some stuff out of grocery bags. I was slightly confused when I saw what was inside them.

Brennan laughed. "We're trying girl products today!"

I burst out laughing. "This is gonna be good."

By the end of the video my hair was confused about life and my face felt sticky. We'd tried a face mask and it wasn't really working for me; it just stuck to my face like goop. 

After a long time and plenty of water and soap, I said goodbye to Brennan and went home. I fixed my hair because it was sticking up weird due to a rainbow curling iron and changed back into my clothes I'd picked out. I went to find Sam so we could go. 

I was really excited for this, for some reason. We've known eachother long enough that we've gone out to eat so many times, but this time it'll mean something different.

A/N: thank you all for reading, commenting and voting and all that good stuff! 

No one reads these lol  why do I even put them here 😝😝

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