Chapter don't even pay attention this is not nine

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A/N: minor smut warning, don't worry nothing actually happens but if you don't wanna read it these will warn you ****

C  O  L  B  Y

This girl named Allie was being way too touchy with me. I just met her, and she's acting like in her boyfriend. I can also feel the disapproval and annoyance radiating off of Sam, even when I'm not looking at him. I don't know if anyone else could sense it, but I know him well enough to see when he's upset. 

While I was distracted from her with thoughts of Sam, Allie pulled my attention back by kissing me. I stiffened up a bit, but fake laughed to keep it from being awkward. It felt so wrong.

"I'm gonna get some food," I said, getting up fast.

"No, don't go!" Allie reached for my hand, but I stepped back so I was out of reach. 

"Be right back." I felt Sam follow me as I headed away. As I reached the snack table, I turned to face him.

"Sorry," I said, knowing how pained he was. He shut his eyes tight, as if to wipe the memory. I knew he had been watching.

My eyes traveled to his lips, which were pressed together as he struggled to keep his mouth shut. Seeing him in pain made me want to fix it. I wanted to keep him from hurting. I pulled his face to mine and kissed him. He seemed shocked at first, but then he relaxed and slung his arms around my shoulders.

It was strange to think that we had only done this once before; it just felt so normal. We fit together like puzzle pieces or peanut butter and jelly (Sam is the  jelly just saying k bye). 


I pushed Sam a bit, getting hot and bothered. This was going on for too long with nothing else happening. 

He led me to a separate room that was empty and shut the door. I immediately pulled him back to me and his lips met mine. When I flicked his upper lip again with my tongue he didn't pull away. Instead, he opened his mouth and let me explore. He pushed me towards the bed and I sat down.

He sat on my lap and his legs wrapped around my waist. I reached under his shirt and put my hand on his hips. He played with my hair, not breaking the kiss as my hands made their way down to his belt buckle. I unfastened it painfully slow, eager to tease Sam. 

"Stop it," he murmured, reacting the way I wanted him to and unfastening it himself quickly. We were playing a game here called Foreplay, and I was going to win. I flipped over so that he was lying down beneath me. I smashed my lips into his and he tugged at my hair, making me groan. This game is for adults, by the way. Kids, don't play!

We were so focused on what we were doing that we didn't hear the footsteps until it was too late.



The door opened and Jake walked in. His eyes widened and I quickly got off of Sam, uncomfortable now. 

"S-sorry," he said, backing away slowly. He grabbed something off the nightstand and shut the door. 

I turned back to face Sam. He was red in the face and fumbling to fasten his belt again. I smiled a little at his embarrassment, then stopped.

"Sorry, I should've locked the door," I said.

"It's not your fault. I'm the one who shut it."

I shrugged; it was true.

"I wasn't thinking. Every time I'm around you I can't think straight. My judgment gets all cloudy and I don't even want to think about what I'm doing. Sorry I pulled you into this too." Sam was being pretty harsh on himself.

"Hey, I was the one who kissed you. I'm as much in this as you, if not more so. And it's not like this was a mistake or anything," I raised my eyebrow. "Was it?"

Sam covered his face with his hands. "I don't know anymore. I keep telling myself that I'm ruining our friendship, but Myself keeps telling me it doesn't matter." He looked up. "What do you think?"

"I think," i said as I sat down next to him. "That it doesn't matter, as long as we're in this together."

We looked at each other for a moment. He leaned in and stole a quick kiss. I smiled and said, "We should go back out there, or Jake will think something happened." 

Sam laughed. We walked back into the party and grabbed some food as if nothing happened. When we went back to the room with all the people, I noticed Jake sitting in a chair, looking disturbed. Poor Jake, he'd known us since high school and he just walked in on us. 

Allie was still there on the couch, and I went to talk to her. 

"Hey, Allie. Sorry I left earlier when you kissed me, it's just that I really wasn't expecting it and well...I'm.. Im not interested in girls." There I said it. The first step is realizing you have a problem, right? Wait no that's for alcoholics. 

"Oh." Allie's eyes went wide. "Ohhh! Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!"

I smiled. "It's fine." I waved a little and walked back to Sam.

"Did you really just tell her you were gay?" He asked, dumbfounded.

I shrugged. "I had good reason to." Sam smiled at that. I always liked it when Sam smiled; his teeth were so straight and white, but his smile was slightly crooked. It was cute. 

Sam drove us home after the party and we went upstairs. As we reached the hallway right before it split between our rooms, Sam paused and sighed. 

"I want to sleep in your room tonight, but I don't think I should." He rested his head on the wall. 

I smirked. "Would you feel better if I made the decision for you?" 

He smiled sheepishly and nodded. In response, I grabbed his hand and pulled him into my room. This would be a perfect opportunity to finish what we started, I know, but I didn't want to rush Sam. He was already on edge just being here with me. 

I grabbed some pajamas and changed while he did the same. We rolled into bed and just laid there, looking at each other. He was playing with my hair, as usual. 

After  a while, I said, "What are we, Sam? Friends? Best friends?" I paused. "Boyfriends?" 

Sam bit his lip, thinking. "Well, can't we be all three?" 

I grinned. Sam had a way of making things perfect. "Yeah, we can."

Sam murmured 'goodnight' and turned over. I pulled my blanket up higher and turned out the lights, eventually drifting off to sleep.

A/N: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ok I'm done how did you like it?! I hope you enjoyed, because I'm super tired so it might be crap but oh well! 

I feel like you guys should know me better so hear ya go:

Favorite color: I'm boring I like brown, black, and white.

Favorite song: Just This by Birdtalker or #88 by Lo-fang

Favorite youtubers: r u stupid what is this fanfiction about (I like Liza and David too)

Favorite Indescision: wait is that a question

Favorite Mother: uh mine

Favorite Daughter: me 😎

Favorite Wall: why r these questions so weird why would I have a favorite wall? (I like the fourth wall by the way, if ur wondering)

Okay byeeeeeeeeee who am I, Liza?

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