Chapter ok now THIS is nine

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A/N: disclaimer, the videos aren't really happening along the right times but I can't make everything work lol

Also minor smut, I'm not writing it but it's obviously implied watch for these ****

S  A  M

I woke up and stared at the wall. As I tried to flip myself over, I realized I couldn't because there were somebody's arms around my waist. I looked to see who it was. 

Colby! Last night came rushing back to me. I shuddered, a little bit uncomfortable. I rested my head back down so that I didn't disturb Colby. He looked so peaceful when he slept. I turned on my phone and was scrolling through instagram when I felt Colby shift. He unwrapped his arms and sat up.

"Morning," he mumbled groggily. He rubbed his face to clear his eyes and I sat up next to him.

"Morning," I said back. He got up out of bed and went to take a shower. I got up after him and went into my room to look for clothes. Today was filming day, and I wanted to wear something nice. I looked through my closet, unsure of what to wear. How can it be that hard to pick an outfit? I pulled out some white shorts and my Red Hot Chili Peppers shirt. After showering, I put on the clothes and grabbed my camera. 

"Ready to go?" Colby asked me. We were going to the store to buy red solo cups because we were going to fill the whole hallway for Devyn's birthday.

We gathered some friends to help us and started the video. At the store, we met one of our friends who told us that Corey was actually there too, buying something. We snuck around and looked for him. 

"Man bun spotted!" Colby said. We all ducked and ran to the cashier, paying for the cups. 

"Having a big party?" The cashier asked, grinning.

"Well, sort of," I said. "We're making a prank video for YouTube."

"Oh!" She said, surprised. "What's your channel called?"

"Sam and Colby," Colby answered for me.

"Well I'll be sure to watch your video." She smiled and handed us our receipt. We thanked her and hurried out as fast as we could. 

The prank went according to plan, and by the time we were done filling cups with water, putting them everywhere, and then letting Corey and Devyn walk through them, our house was a pool. Maybe one day we'll make it a slip-n-slide. 

Once we finished the video, we cleaned everything up. It took a ridiculous amount of time and it was late when we were done. Everyone went to sleep, and I tried to stay up to edit the video in Colby's room. He had climbed into bed and appeared to be asleep already. 

"Hmm, uneventful today, but another good video to post," I said to myself under my breath.

I felt hands slide around my waist and I jumped a bit. "We could make it more eventful," Colby whispered into my ear, his breath making me shudder. He pulled me closer to him slowly and kissed my neck. 


I tensed as he slid his hands down from my waist to my pajama pants and slid his index finger along the inside of the elastic band. Chills went down my spine as he continued up my back. I turned around and pressed my lips into his. His breath was minty from brushing his teeth.

Wait... That's my toothpaste! He used my toothpaste. I smiled, laughing a little. Nevermind about that. Why are you thinking about that right now, Sam?

Colby grabbed hold of my shirt and pulled me to the bed to sit down. I pulled off his shirt for him as he returned the favor. He slowly inched my pants down, teasing me as he did before. 

"Stop it," I murmured, impatient. My conscience, of course, butted in to put in its two cents. You'd better stop that Sam. This isn't right. You're not thinking straight.

Well who asked you?! I pushed it out of my head and focused on the present. 

This was taking too long, so I decided to play the dominant one. I pushed him down on the bed and tugged on the elastic of his pants, letting it snap.

"Hey!" He whispered, annoyed.

"That's for being so slow." I pulled his pants down and he let them slide off. I pulled my own pajamas off, and Colby leaned in to kiss me.

"Are you sure?" He asked me, resting his forehead against mine and searching my eyes for doubt.

I kissed him and tugged at his boxers, pulling myself closer to him. "Positive," I whispered into his ear. 

He said no more as he reached into his nightstand drawer and pulled out a bottle.


(*parents walk in* Me: *scrambles to press fast forward* hahahahaha, hi mom. What? No I wasn't watching that. I was just fast forwarding. Yup. Mhm. Promise okay bye! *presses play again*)

C  O  L  B  Y

We were both breathing hard. Sweat coated both of our bodies as we lay next to each other. 



"I love you." I don't know what made me say it. It just sort of came out. I bit my lip, thinking how stupid I just sounded. I just made it so incredibly awkward.

Instead of saying this, he leaned over and kissed me. "I love you too." 

I smiled as we lay in silence. Sam had a calming effect me, and I felt myself drifting into sleep. Just as my eyes closed, Sam wrapped his arms around me. I smiled once again before succumbing to unconsciousness.

A/N: okay then! I think we're done with these smut scenes, unless you guys tell me I should keep writing them lol (ya nasty).


I know I ask for this every time, but PLEASE comment what you think should happen next! I don't know if I should keep writing this or not if nobody gives me feedback. Let me know please!


Hope you enjoyed!

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