Mm Chapter "ICE CREAM"

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A/N: so last night I wrote out a long authors note in my head about why I wasn't going to update on time, and then I went through a revolt against myself and said screw it Imma get off my lazy potato-looking ass and write a freakin chapter.... Then I fell asleep. So sorry for the late post! XD

S  A  M

Well one thing's for sure; I'm not excited to get the RV. Don't get me wrong, I love traveling(why would I be in New Zealand if I didn't) but why would anyone want to live in a car? You have to sleep in a small space, poop in a small space, dump out your own poop and drive the thing around. I wonder why it doesn't sound appealing to me...

"Ready to go Samuel?" Colby asked, jumping on top of me. 

"Ugh Colby get off your squashing the air out of me!" I groaned, pushing him off the bed. 

"You actually have to help us load up though," he said, grabbing my arm and pulling until I slid off onto the floor.

"I think I'll just stay here." I patted the floor. 

Colby chuckled and shook his head. "Okay, fine." He stepped out of my view and I closed my eyes, feeling tired.

I heard everyone come into the room and opened them again. Elton and Corey grabbed the last of their luggage and I saw Colby struggling to carry all my bags at once.

I sighed, getting up. "Thanks," I said to him, taking the biggest one. We reached the car and piled the stuff in. Colby was having trouble bringing my bag. It was an awkward shape, and he couldn't quite hold it right. I watched him, silently laughing. He finally deposited the bag in the trunk and followed me to the room. 

"Oh, by the way, that bag rolls," I said, not looking at him. I didn't hear a response, so I turned around.

He just looked a little sad and said, "You could've said that before."

"I liked watching you struggle more though." He jumped on top of me and wrestled me to the ground, pinning my wrists by my shoulders.

"That was rude," he said, his face half an inch away from mine.

I smiled and he stole a kiss. 

"Come on, guys, get a room!" Corey said, passing us. 

Colby climbed off of me laughing and we grabbed the rest of the stuff. 

We didn't have to drive too far to get the RV. When we got to the parking lot, we got our keys and I went to unlock the door.

"You'd better get on the drivers side Sam because it's on the wrong side of the car!!!" Elton yelled. I gave him a look and laughed, walking to the drivers side. I tried to open the door to the back but it didn't fit, so I tried about 48 other keys until I found the right one. 

"Ohhh!" We all yelled, looking inside our new temporary home. It wasn't too bad; a table and seats, a bed, a loft, a sink and counter...

"Where's the bathroom?" Corey asked.

"Right here," Elton pointed to the skinniest door I've ever seen. We looked inside and Corey yelled, "Look! You can shower and poop at the same time!" He showed us the shower head right above the toilet. 

"You know, we should just conserve water." Colby held open the door.

"Come on in!" Corey said, scooting aside. Colby squished inside and Corey said, "Oh we actually fit!"

Elton suddenly shut the door and said, "Have fun in there guys."

"Oh yeah we will," Corey said before closing the door fully. They starting to moan and Elton opened the door. They instantly froze so he shut it again. The second it was shut they started up again.

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