I'll take a corned beef Reuben plz thx

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I forgot whether or not it was my day to post so you're getting a chapter either way! Yay spontaneity... Or bad memory...

S  A  M

it's been a week or so since my accident. I no longer have dizzy spells, extended headaches or times where I pass out. Which is good. I feel like I'm finally getting back in the groove of normality. Colby's been taking care of me like crazy, even though I tell him he should stop worrying about me and get back to his own life. I know it sounds a little harsh when it's put that way, but it's true. I don't want him to be so caught up in helping me live that he can't do it for himself.

The doctor still came around frequently, and I once told him I felt fine now, and he could probably decrease the amount of visits. He just laughed and said, "I think I'm the one to say whether or not you're fine, Sam. You are doing better, though." He was a nice man, and I was glad he was my doctor.

I was just sitting in my room, having some thinking time, when Colby once again brought me something to eat. 

"Hey, I brought you lunch!" He said, bringing in a tray.

"I'm not really hungry." I said disinterestedly.

"Oh okay. You can always eat later." He set the tray down and sat on my bed with a smile. 

That's another thing, he keeps being sugary sweet. I don't know why, but he won't stop agreeing with me, being nice to me, doing things for me, and never getting angry or annoyed. It was getting a little annoying, and I really wasn't in the mood.

"Why are you so positive all the time? Why don't you get angry anymore?" I asked, trying to spark some emotion other than happy happy happy. "You don't even sound like you. It just seems so... Fake. You're constantly agreeing with me and doing stuff for me. When I reject what you bring me, you just brush it off. Why aren't you acting normal?"

Colby just stared at me, shocked. He didn't say anything for a while, he just stared.


He snapped out of it and said slowly, "I was just trying to help."

He dropped the sunny disposition so suddenly that I was a little taken aback. "I'm sorry. If you need some space I'll give it to you." He walked out of my room and closed the door behind him. A few seconds later, I heard the front door close. 

Well now I feel like shit.

I tried to make him angry, to make him feel something other than incredibly fake. Well I did that, just in the complete opposite way I wanted to. He looked so hurt at what I said, that I couldn't help needing to slap myself right now. Damnit! I don't even know what to do anymore. Maybe he needs space just as much as I do. I'll let him go.

After a few minutes of wallowing in regret I picked up the tray he left. As much as I felt bad for not eating it when he brought it, I was hungry now and it looked good. It was a peanut butter jelly sandwhich with some baby carrot and a glass of water. 

I ate quickly. The sandwhich was okay, considering I can't taste very much lately. I think it has something to do with my nose being stuffy or something. I could taste the carrots a little more, which is annoying because I don't like carrots as much as I like peanut butter and jelly. Either way, I was glad Colby was thoughtful enough to make me food. 

I grabbed my phone and texted him.

S: hey... I'm sorry I was rude earlier. I know you're just trying to help me out.

I sent it and opened up my computer. The doctor told me to take a break from making videos for a while, so I obliged. I was actually enjoying a little break, even if I missed the adventures sometimes. I watched a few of my favorites out of my roommates old videos and then looked back at my texts.

S: hey... I'm sorry I was rude earlier. I know you're just trying to help me out.

Read 1:48 pm.

Okay, that's understandable. I probably wouldn't want to answer if Colby had yelled at me for nothing too. 

I set down my phone and popped my knuckles. A nap sounds really nice right now. Maybe I'll do that.

I climbed into my bed, jeans and all, and took off my socks. Yeah, I can sleep with jeans on, but hell no I'm not sleeping with socks. I blocked out the light with my blanket and fell asleep pretty easily. 

I'll just have to deal with Colby another time.

I know it's short, I'm just busy. (No you're not, you did nothing all day) shush I absorbed oxygen and nitrogen and carbon dioxide and ice cream. That's busy enough for me!

No but really I'm just having a lazy day. It's very needed lol

I hope you guys enjoyed! 

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