Chapter fire OMGFIRE?WHERE!?!

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C  O  L  B  Y

The next day Corey asked me to film a react video with him. When we sat down before the video, I asked him about Sam.

"Hey, have you noticed how Sam has been acting weird lately?"

"You know what, I have! But he only acts weird around you.." Corey trailed off.

"Really? He doesn't act weird around just you?" I frowned.

"Nah, dude he's pretty normal." 

"That's so weird. Just the other day he even yelled at me for asking what's wrong. What did you think is on his mind?" 

Corey hid a little smile and shrugged. "I dunno."

"Hey, I saw that! You do know, don't you?" I made him face me.

"Why do you think he's only acting strange around you? Why do you think he gets all emberassed and defensive when you're there?" Corey pressed, trying to get me to come up with the conclusion on my own.

I shook my head in annoyance and gripped his shoulders. "Stop playing games with me, dude! You know what the problem is. Help me fix it!"

Corey sighed. "I was hoping you'd figure it out yourself."

"FIGURE OUT WHAT?!" I was beginning to get reeaally pissed off at him.

"It's obvious, Colby. Sam likes you," Corey laughed.

My hands dropped from his shoulders and I sat there, trying to soak in what he said. I turned away from Corey and sat staring straight forward, processing.

"No he doesn't." I finally spit out.

Corey chuckled. "Are you telling yourself that, or me?"

I faced Corey and looked him in the eyes. "No he doesn't," I repeated.

Corey leaned closer to me. "Yes he does." He backed away and left me to think. 

Sam... Oh god. No, no, he doesn't. Why would he, after all the time we've known each other? He doesn't. But it makes perfect sense! 

I called a court meeting in my head. There were four people in the meeting: #1 (internal me), #2 (external me) and Sam and Corey. 

#2: he obviously doesn't. Why now?

#1: did you see the way he looked at us? He definitely likes us!

Sam: everyone be quiet! It doesn't matter, stop worrying about me

Corey: Sam likes you dude. It's obvious 


#2: well why don't we go ask him, I'm sure he'll admit to everything. He replied so well last time we tried that.

Sam got up and left.

Corey: do you feel the same way, Colby?

Colby #1 and #2 molded back together and now it was just him and I. I thought for a while.

Colby: I don't know... It's just so sudden. I still love him as a friend, of course, but I need to get used to the fact that he likes me.

The meeting room disappeared and I jolted awake. Oh wow... Sam likes me.

I'm such an idiot.

A/N: *runs around and tries to put out fire* WHA- oh! Hi there didn't see you. Did you like the chapter? Hope ya did. Comment whatchu think!

>>>Will Colby go to confront Sam, even though he doesn't know if he feels the same? Will Colby actually realize that he likes Sam back?!?<<<

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