I want a smoothie

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I woke up in my bed. My bed? How am I home? I looked around the room. Yep, it's for sure my room. I got up quickly and walked downstairs. Strangely enough, my head doesn't hurt at all. When I got downstairs I saw Colby and Corey talking in the kitchen. They looked up when I walked over.

"Sam!" Colby whimpered and ran over to me. "I can't believe you're alive!" He said. 

"Yeah, I feel fine! What happened? How am I home?" 

Colby didn't answer for a second. "You slipped and hit your head on the rocks." 

I frowned at his answer. "Yes, I remember that. But how did I get home?" 

He didn't answer again. Finally, he said, "we flew home and the doctors took care of you."

Why is he acting so strange? Is something wrong? He started to tear up and he just hugged me again, making me forget about it. It's probably nothing. I hugged him tightly and Corey walked over to hug me. 

"I'm so sorry Sam." He said.

"I-it's okay. It's not your fault I slipped."

"I know, but I should have caught you." 

"You were slipping too. If you would have tried, I might have pulled you down too." I patted him on the back and walked into the kitchen. "Can I get something to eat? I'm starv- ouch!" My head suddenly started throbbing. 

"Sam?" Colby asked me if I was okay. "Sam!"

I gripped my head, but it wasn't helping. "It h-hurts!" 

Somehow, the doctor showed up right on time. He was there and he helped me to my bedroom where he gave me something so I could fall asleep. I drifted into unconsciousness, feeling relieved as the pain went away.

(Jumpcut bloop)

I woke up in the middle of the night. I was still in my room, and I could hear a lot of beeping. Maybe someone was awake making food in the microwave. I stayed in bed and waited to fall back asleep.

(Jumpcut bleep)

This time I woke up to Colby touching my face. He was looking at me sadly. 

"I missed you so much Sam.." He said softly. 

"How long was I sleeping?" 

He jumped a little, perhaps not realizing I was awake. "Two nights."

"I woke up last night though." 

"Oh, that's good. You're feeling better then?" 

"Yes, much better. My head doesn't hurt. But it didn't when I woke up last time either." 

"Well, the doctor says you'll be okay." He smiled a little.

"Of course I'll be okay. I'm right as rain!" I said, sitting up to show him. He smiled and ruffled my hair. 

"Of course you are." He put his hand under my chin and brushed his thumb over my lips. 

"Kiss me already," I said, practically begging. 

He smiled and obliged, pulling himself closer and pressing his lips to mine. I smiled goofily as he pulled away. 

"Alright, ready for a che-" the doctor stopped short, seeing Colby on my bed. "Hello, Mr. Brock."

"Hello. Should I leave while you give him a checkup?" 

"He can stay, right?" I said. 

The doctor looked at me and then nodded. "Of course he can stay." Colby sat in my chair and the doctor came over to do his doctory things (lol).

After the visit the doctor grabbed his stuff and left. Colby helped me up and we walked downstairs to eat. He made cereal for us, and I don't even know how he can mess up cereal but he did. It tasted super bland and boring. 

Colby grabbed a little booklet and said he had a bunch of jokes for me. 

"Okay, fire away."

"What do you call a fish without eyes?" He said, holding back a laugh.

I thought for a moment. "Eyeless fish for sure," I said decidedly.

He laughed. "No, you call the fsh."

What? "OHHH fish without i's."

"Yeah! Okay here's another. What's a cow without legs?"

"Easy. Ground beef!" I said, laughing.

He laughed with me for a while. Eventually, we just stopped and looked at eachother. 

He sighed, looking a little sad again. "I missed you, Sam."

"You already said that," I said, confused.

"I know. I just missed you so much, I still miss you." 

"But I'm right here!" I placed his hands on my chest making him touch me so he would know that I'm not a hologram. 

"Don't worry, I'm not going to leave you," I said earnestly

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"Don't worry, I'm not going to leave you," I said earnestly.

"What if you can't help it?" He whispered, searching my face.

I cupped his face in my hands and said, "Look at me. I'm right here, and I'm fine. Don't say things like that!" 

He looked at me sadly, then sighed. "I know. I'm sorry. It's just I don't know what I'd do without you."

"You won't ever have to find out, Colby. I'm staying right here with you." 

He smiled and hugged me. "Please don't ever leave."

"I won't, I promise. You are my life; I live for you. Where you go I go, and where you stay I'll stay. We'll never be truly seperated, because we're tied together internally as well as externally. You have to know that by now." 

"I know." He pulled away to look at me again with sorrow in his eyes. "It's just so hard... I don't want you to slip away."

A/N: oh the feels. I'm not really sure if I'm okay, and I wrote it. Well hope u enjoyed. 

Comment a request on my book of imagines if you want one!

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