In reality I just gave up

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^Haha they used those glasses for the about being blind. Also quick question... Sam is that your thumb or a carrot? Genuinely confused.

S  A  M

My mind was spinning, trying to process the things he said. 

"I really, really need you to wake up." 

What was said before that was forgotten in the sea of confusion that flooded my brain. 

As he explained to me what happened, that I was still in the hospital in a coma, the walls of my synthetic world began to crash to the ground. We were no longer in my room on the chair. Instead, I couldn't see. I couldn't move. The incessant beeping I thought was the microwave returned, and I was able to stick meaning to it. 

Ignorance is bliss. I guess I realized that was truer than it seemed. The strangest part, the part that didn't make sense, was how come I couldn't wake myself? I could communicate, thank god, but I could do little else. Despite my efforts, I couldn't open my eyes. 

When Colby lay beside me, I was comforted. He had a calming effect on me sometimes, and I really needed it today. Tired from the events of the day, I fell into sleep. 

When I woke up, it was to the sound of the doctor coming in. Colby was gone. I was no longer living in my room at home, I was still in this stupid blind state.

"Good morning, Sam! How was your day yesterday? Do anything fun?" He said brightly.

"Colby told me where I really am," I said flatly. I didn't mean to sound so rude, but it just came out that way.

"Oh.." He paused, thrown off. "Are you doing okay?"

"Yes, just... Why can't I wake myself up?" I hoped he had some explanation; after all, he's the doctor.

"Well, maybe your body isn't ready for you to be moving about just yet. Your quite lucky, actually. It's rare for a patient like you to be able to do as much as you can. However, your body is probably still trying to preserve you by keeping you from worsening your injury." 

"I don't want to be preserved. I just want to go home for real." 

"I know. You'll be able to soon enough, don't worry." He was so kind with everything he said.

"When do you think I'll be able to get out of here?" 

"Well, it's hard to say. It depends on how your progressing, and now I can delve into tests in an easier way now that I'm no longer sneaking around." He came closer to the bed. "How are you feeling?"

"A bit tired, I guess. My head hurts a little." 

The doctor touched my forehead. It felt strange, like there was a scarf or something between his hand and my head. "So, you can feel this, correct?"

"A little... It feels far away."

He moved his hand away and asked, "Can you try to move your hand? You've done it before."

I strained to squeeze my hand into a fist. It was very similar to how your feet fall asleep and seem unpliable and stiff; impossible to bend. My brain was telling my hand to work, and it just wasn't. (Quick story time, this happened to me once and freaked me out. I accidentally slept on my arm and when I woke up I tried to lift it up. When I looked at it, I realized it was not up, and i flipped out like 'they're going to have to saw my arm off because it's dead and I'll never be able to use it again' but then after 5 minutes or so of wildly flailing around i could move it again) 

Finally, after stressful difficulty, I managed to move my fingers a little. 

"Hmm. That's interesting! You seem to move with more ease when your family and friends are around. You could do that almost effortlessly." He scribbled something on a piece of paper. "Okay, I'm going to open your eyes. Please tell me if you can see anything." 

I got a little excited for once. What if I can see him? Doea that mean I'm awake?

He leaned over and touched my face lightly. "Can you see anything?"

I paused. "Are my eyes open?"

The doctor sighed. "Yes." I felt him close my eyes again.

A pang of frustration hit me. I had seen nothing when he opened my eyes. "Am I going to be blind or something?" 

"No, no. I'm positive you will regain your sight. It just takes time, you have to be patient."

Nothing makes me more impatient than someone telling me to be patient. My mind flashed back to what Colby said. 

"Time, always time, Sam. Everything takes so much time. How long must we wait for the right time? I'm tired of constantly waiting."

He was right, everything did take so much time. whether I liked it or not, I was going to have to wait for the right time. Long as it took.

Sorry for the unfortunately irregular posting and short chapter, this might keep happening. I even wanted to start a new book, but I don't have time. I'm bouncing between my job, schoolwork, dance, and filming. Busy busy busy!

Thanks for reading anyways!

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