Yeah.. By now you've realized I'm just hungry

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I don't know how long it's been. The time passes slowly, and I don't care to look at the date. Colby didn't come home after our little fight, and although I wasn't worried about him, I missed him. I mostly wandered around the house aimlessly, not sure what to do. The doctor said I shouldn't drive in case I have head pains unexpectedly and can't focus on the road, even though that hasn't happened in a while. 

I was walking back up the stairs as I heard the front door open. I took a step back and looked to see who it was, expecting Corey or Aaron. Instead, I was greeted with a tired-looking Colby.

"Hey.." I said, hesitant.

"Hey." He stood there for a minute, awkwardly looking at the ground with half-closed eyes.

I decided to confront the issue head on. I was tired of not talking to him. "Look, I'm sorry I yelled at you for nothing. I know you were only trying to help and I really should have appreciated it more because you're my best friend and my boyf-" he unexpectedly walked up and grabbed me into a hug, squishing me a little.

"It doesn't matter." He held me for a long time, and I just rubbed his back gently. "I missed you. I couldn't stand not coming back and seeing you and touching you. I couldn't keep myself from driving back to you because you're so damn persuasive even when I can't see you."

I smiled into his shoulder and said, "I missed you too."

He pulled away just far enough to kiss me, and I reveled at the feeling. I had missed this, too. I pulled back and cupped his face in my hands, looking at him. "Come on, let's go to my room to sleep. You look half dead."

He chuckled. "You don't look too great yourself."

I suddenly realized I hadn't really looked in the mirror for awhile, having nowhere to go and nothing to do. Colby patted my jaw and I could tell I needed to shave. 

"You're lucky, you don't have this problem," I said, rubbing my face.

We climbed the stairs and fell into bed. We both lay on our sides, looking at each other. I could tell he was studying my face just as much as I was studying his.

My eyes followed the line of his jaw down to his chin, then up to his hair. He had such nice brown hair, all messy right now. I watched his eyes as he blinked. His long eyelashes weren't feminine, but gave his eyes contrast and a deep gaze. His eyes were so blue, blue like mine, yet they were so different. They were sometimes very light, almost steel grey, yet sometimes they were as bright blue as the ocean. They rarely turned dark blue. His eyes seemed to be very evenly colored, with only faint streaks of other shades swirling through. My eyes were pale blue, but they had dark accents and were very spotted. You wouldn't really notice it unless you were staring right at them. 

I resumed my study of his face, tracing down the curve of his nose to his lips. I had always liked his lips, even before I liked him. They were pink, I suppose, it varied. They were soft and rested against each other lightly. His upper lip was pulled up from underneath a little; a look I loved. It was unique and characteristic and perfect. 

His teeth I knew, though couldn't see them, were straight and white. His smile was very sweet and genuine, something I learned to adore through all the fake social media people. It was wide and expressive, and oh so happy. Even when he didn't show his teeth, his smile was enough to brighten the entire room. He had this way of smiling since he was a child, and it was just natural. He didn't change it to be like someone else or to fit in. It was unique, and I loved it.

I could just examine his face, pouring over every detail, for hours on end. I know it sounds cheesy, and it really is, but it's true. When I'm with him, I just tend towards that couple stereotype. The stereotype where they can't get enough of eachother, spend all their time together, look at each other for long amounts of time, and express their love to eachother.

What nonsense.

Nonsense or not, I'm all for it.

Finally, once I could stand it no longer, I put my hand on the face I had been looking at for so long and pulled him closer for a kiss. He smiled and rested his forehead against mine. 

"We should sleep; it looks like you need the rest." My hand moved up from his face and brushed the hair out of his eyes.

"Okay." He smiled again. "Goodnight Sam."

"Goodnight." I rolled over and he wrapped his arms around my waist. I could hear his breathing deepen as he fell asleep, and I just listened for a while. It was pure happiness, I have to say that. We may have fought, but we resolved it like we always do and fell straight back into our places. 

This was just how it was supposed to be. I know for a fact that he is my one and only.

A/N: big things coming in the next chapter... Stay tuned. I might have to leave you hanging 😈

Also can we just take a moment to say WOAH. I just wrote three paragraphs about Colby's face... Uhh... im kinda scared that I had that in me. Hope you enjoyed anyways! Lmao

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