This chapter didn't eat... It's still hungry 😈

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Out of order, I know. Just roll with it... also sorry I couldn't get all the facts straight

C  O  L  B  Y

It's been a week since our little date, and we're going to New Zealand for a week. Elton was taking us all so that we could be guests on TFIL. We drove to the airport and waited an unbearably long time before boarding the plane.

Corey slept almost the whole time but Elton couldn't fall asleep. Sam and I mostly cuddled (yeah, we're a cringey couple get over it) and people gave us weird looks. 

"It's 2017, they should just get over it," I whispered to Sam. He laughed and ruffled my hair.

"Hey, you messed up my hair!" I whispered-yelled(yeah u know where that's from).

"You should just get over it," he said, smirking.

"Don't you dare throw my words back at me," I tried to glare at him, but I broke and laughed. 

Sam laughed and grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers. I smiled at him and we just sat in silence for the rest of the ride. 

When we landed, we were all super tired but Elton said he'd scheduled us for something already. 

"We're going to be jumping off the tallest building!"

"WHAT?" Everybody yelled. Sam and Corey ran around and acted scared for the camera.

"It's funny how they think they can run behind the wall and think they just disappear," I laughed, watching them. 

We put on some blue, yellow, and red onsie-like thingys as well as harnesses and crowded into an elevator. We watched New Zealand get smaller and farther away. Eventually, we got to the top and voted Corey first. He was freaking out just a little bit. We watched him from the safety of the building and waved. He gave a little smile and grasped the railing tightly. Elton zoomed in and Corey jumped. 

"Ohhhhh!!!" We all yelled, watching. There was a weird clicking noise as he reached the ground and we all looked around.

"What was that noise?" 

It ended up just being the machine. Sam went next, and we watched him through the glass.

"Sam's the type of guy that you don't really know when he's scared," I informed Eltons camera. "But he's terrified right now. Look at the way he's sitting!" Sam was sitting up straight with his hands in his lap. He looked freaking nervous. I laughed a little, nervous for him. 

"Sam, the guy operating your breaks is in training," Elton said through the glass, hoping to make Sam more nervous.

I elbowed him, telling him to knock it off. 

"Dude, don't worry. He'll be fine," Elton said to me. I sighed; I know he's probably right. 

We watched Sam as he jumped. He reached the ground safely, thank God. I jumped after him, and it was super fun. 

"I'm flying!" I yelled as the wind rushed past me. 

Elton jumped after me, and we thanked them and left, sitting on a park table for a break.

"You guys ready for round two?" Elton said. "We're jumping off that bridge right there." He turned the camera to Corey.


We put on harnesses for the second time that day and walked up a ton of stairs. 

"It's so cold! My microphone is about to break off from the wind!" Elton shouted over the noise of wind. Somehow, it was way windier over here than when we were sitting at the table. We all looked at the water.

"Our goal is to dip into the water!" Elton said. He turned the camera on Corey again. "How we feelin, buddy?"


We all just laughed.

"Dude, imagine how cold that water is!" Corey said, sounding scared.

"I don't have to imagine, I'm going to feel it in a few minutes!" 

At the top there was a room and it was way less windy. We waited for the people in front of us to go and then they called Elton. 

"Ohhh Eltons the first one to go!" 

We watched as he was strapped to the bungee cords by the ankles. He waddled over to the edge and the guy counted him off.

"3! 2! 1!" Elton pushed off and we saw him hit the water. 

"That's my uncle!" I shouted. They pulled him back up soaking wet. 

"That was amazing!" He said. 

I was going next. I did the same thing Elton did, waddling over to the edge. I pushed off and felt myself falling. I hit that water, and it was ridiculously cold. 

"That was refreshing!" I said to the GoPro. When they pulled me back up, they asked me how it was. "Dude, I have no words. That was insane!"

Sam went after me, and he didn't even hit the water. I guess he was just too light.

Corey had chickened out and said he wasn't going. "This is my hall pass."

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow in the great whites shark tank!" Elton laughed.

"Oh I forgot we were doing that!" Corey covered his face. 

We all made it back to the hotel room and Elton filmed his outro for the video. After he turned off the camera, we all just fell over, ready for bed. Sam and I had decided to share one of the beds, even though they were twins and Corey was sleeping on the floor. 

"You guys had better be quiet at least," Corey said. 

Sam groaned. "Don't worry, this is probably the best sleep well get for a while, considering we're getting the RV tomorrow. I'm not going to waste the opportunity." He buried his head in his pillow, making the last sentence muffled.

Corey chuckled and turned out the lights. "Goodnight, then!" 

"Night!" We all said.

I wrapped my arms around Sam's waist and he put his hands over mine. 

"Goodnight. Love you," he whispered, just loud enough for me to hear. 

"Aw, will you two shut up?" Elton said.

We started laughing. "Come on Elton, you ruined the moment!" Corey said.

"Just go to sleeeppp," Elton said.

So that's what we did.

A/N: do you guys think I should do some smut while they're on the road trip? Lol I feel weird thinking of doing that but ya know if you're asking..... the readers are boss.... not my descision..... it's pretty much still my descision. You can expect smut lol I'm just a piece o' garbage

CAN WE TALK ABOUT THE PICTURE PLEASE honestly I feel creepy for having it but it's just the cutest thing. Everyone loves to see a cute kid sleeping on a teddy bear.

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