See I'm hungry but that's not why these titles are crap

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C  O  L  B  Y

I watched Sam fall in slow motion. The problem was, I was going just as slow as he was. I couldn't reach him in time. 

After he hit the ground, everything became a blur of chaos. I stayed by him and I held his hand for so long, it was beginning to feel like it was part of mine. 

He's okay.

He's alive.

He'll be okay.

Over and over I repeated those three sentences in my head. 

By the time we got to the hospital, everything was calmed down. It was too calm. Shouldn't we be running around frantically and crying? This isn't how it looks in movies. We all sat in the waiting room silently. No movement, no noise, no sign of life. We had all become ice statues, lifeless and cold. Until the door opened and the nurse came in, no one even blinked.

"You can see him now." 

I was the first one up, and I followed her to Sam's room. When I saw him, I wanted to leave. As much as I wanted to help him and comfort him, I couldn't bear to see him like that.

Cold, motionless, and white as a sheet. I through the was dead, until the small beep reached my ears to confirm his heartbeat. 

I came back to the hospital daily for a long time. Sam could hear us, and he had dreamed up his own little scenario to live in. Nobody could bear to tell him what the real situation was. 

That is, until I couldn't take it anymore. I left after he yelled at me, afraid I would tell him the truth. I wrestled with the descision until I could stand it no longer, and I went to see him. He was becoming more responsive lately, and moved his hands sometimes. I stayed with him all night, watching him sleep until morning. 

So, so selfish. I was so selfish for telling him. He was peaceful in his little dream world, and I took it away from him. I couldn't stand to play pretend with him, even though it was for his benefit.

I didn't mean to say what I did, but I meant it. I want to live with him for the rest of my life. But not like this.

When I finally broke out and told him his dream was fake, he started moving. Not like he had been moving before, the occasional tapping of his fingers or squeeze of his hand, but a full on freakout. I didn't know it was possible to do that when you're unconscious.

"What do you mean 'wake up?" Sam said, shaking.

I hugged him tight, both to stop him from falling out of the bed and to comfort him. "We never brought you home, Sam. We're still in New Zealand in the hospital."

"But how? That doesn't make sense." He had stopped moving so much so I let him go. 

"You've been unconscious since you hit your head. When you started talking about being home, we played along. You seemed happy..."

Sam was silent for a while. "So I've just been living in my head?"


"How does that make sense? How can I interact with you?" He stopped suddenly. "Am I really interacting with you or is this fake too?"

"No, it's really me. See, you're aware of everything going on and can respond minimally. Your brain is functioning, thinking, and you can hear and speak. You just can't move very well or open your eyes."

We sat there for a while, until Sam began to speak slowly. "So.. If I can do that, can't I help myself wake up?" 

I played with his hair. "I don't know. Do you think you could try?" I wanted so badly for him to wake up. We could finally be back to normal and everything would be okay. The doctor said he was sure to wake up, but it would take time. Time is such a party pooper sometimes...

Sam tensed under my hand. He looked strained, as though he was trying to do something. After a few moments, he relaxed. "I can't. Nothing's happening."

I laid down next to him and hugged him. I didn't let him see me cry; it would only make him upset. It was nice to be here with him, in a situation where it was okay for his eyes to be closed. It was normal. Right now, I really need normal. 

Just as I was about to fall asleep, I said, "Sam?"

No response. He must have slipped back into fully-unconscious-mode; something he often did. Nevertheless, I hugged him tight and whispered, "I love you."

A/N: okay okay okay we've had enough of this cliche garbage! We gonna just ignore this chapter, it's just a filler. i kinda cringed writing this, it was just way too bubblegum fairy dust type crap. I'm working on it

Sorry I didn't update before, stuffs been hectic. I'm trying to manage, but I might be spotty on my posting for a while. I'm trying my hardest I swear! If I can't get a chapter to you on time, sorry in advance.

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