Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

FYI- When I am writing this entire first chapter, it is around two in the morning of Sunday, August 27, 2017, in Texas, USA. I am stranded in my house with my mother, Stepfather, and sister, as Hurricane Harvey presses down on us. Behind us, the bayou is flooded, and the water from the is coming up to our door as my city floods. So, I decided to write this for panic's sake and to try and keep my sanity. I won't edit this when I post it because I know someday I might laugh about it. Anyway... On with the glorious wonders of Tom Hiddleston. #Hiddlestoner4Life.

"Come on, Holly," I sigh in irritation, pinning the phone between my shoulder and my ear, trying to look around for street signs. "You're the one who dragged me out of my perfectly comfortable apartment in America out here to sodding England." It took me a few seconds of my friend sniggering before I realize what I had just said, and mentally facepalmed. "I didn't mean to say that." Gah! It's contagious.

"Riiiiiight, Alice." Holly's voice is dripping with amused sarcasm and I huff a little. "I don't understand how you can get lost from your hotel room. The café is literally a block from it." I roll my eyes, scanning storefronts, then turn to look back the direction I had just walked from.

"Which direction?" I ask in a clipped tone, frowning.


My impatience is growing, and it has started to drizzle. In a few minutes, I'll be soaked through to my skin. I glance up at the grey sky, sighing heavily through my nose.

"Which direction is the café from the Hotel?"

"As in left, or right?"

"Yes." My voice is now monotone, and I pray that Holly can hear just how not in the mood I am.

"I think it is a block to the left, looking at the hotel from the front."

"Crap." I am in the opposite direction, and I now have to walk two blocks instead of one, in the rain. Great. At least there aren't many people out. "Okay... I'll see you in... ten? I don't know. Just have something hot ready for me."

"Righto." The line goes dead and I shove the stupid piece of metal and glass into my back pocket and begin to walk quickly down the sidewalk in the direction of the hotel. The rain is starting to get heavier, and I brush my caramel-blonde hair out of my eyes, but it's no use. The rain is collecting on my glasses, and I am forced to duck into a bookshop as the steady rain turns into a downpour.

"Amazing. Absolutely fantastic." I mutter to myself, realizing I am dripping onto the old wood floor.

"Oi!" I turn to see an annoyed-looking older man with thinning grey hair and wire-rimmed glasses rushing over to me. I bite my lower lip, realizing that the man looks irritated for good reason.

"I am so sorry. I went the wrong direction, and I am just trying to meet up with someone. It started raining, and I have expensive equipment in my bag... I'll help clean up." I swing my backpack off my shoulder, giving the man an apologetic look.

The man grumbles something under his breath as I crouch and open my backpack, pulling out my camera and bag of lenses. As I examine the equipment, checking to make sure that no water got through the protective cases, the door opens again and a few pairs of feet stomp the floor as they hurry in.

One person laughs, and I realize that the voice sounds familiar.

"That rain came in quick." The store clerk comments, a towel in his hands. I stand with a small smile, taking the towel from him and beginning to clean up my mess.

"I guess I should be used to it where I come from." I mop up the water as best as I can, then stand once more, drying my glasses with the towel before handing it back over.

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