Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Looking at the building as we walk up, I marvel at the creativity. The building was once a French Country house: white with black trim. I can see into the parlor through the wall of windows, and it looks amazing.

"It is a small place," Tom says to me, leading me up the stairs to the door, "but the food here is the best. They have remodeled the whole house so the entire place is a restaurant. The bedrooms are made into more... solitary tables. If you want privacy, say, away from possible cameras."

I smile up at Tom, feeling an excited flutter in my stomach. "It looks amazing. Thank you." Tom gently squeezes my arm, and we both walk up to the door.

"Do we... knock?" I ask, giggling a bit. Dear mother of God, when did I become this giggling, blushing mess? Tom laughs a bit.

"Nope. We just go on in." He opens the door for me, gesturing for me to go in. With a thankful nod, I focus on stepping over the threshold without catching the heel of my shoe.

Inside, the restaurant has a warm feel. The walls are lined with old wallpaper, some of it peeling away. The entire building smells of all sorts of food. I can smell meats and greens, soups and pastries.

"Mmmmm," I sigh, taking a deep breath. Tom's laugh makes me jump, and for some reason, I once again am hyper-aware of him, and every muscle in my body tenses. My brain activates the shield around my heart again, and I try and keep the panic off of my face. A waiter comes from the side room and smiles at us.

"Hello. Do you have a reservation?"

"Ah, yes. A private table for two, Hiddleston?"

"Yes, Mr. Hiddleston, we have a private room upstairs. If you would follow me..." The waiter turns and walks into the parlor. Before I trip down the step, Tom takes my arm again. I feel a rush of thanks towards him. Hey, I'm guarded, not heartless.

As we walk through the parlor, I can see other couples and groups of people enjoying their dinner. We walk past a case of cakes, and both Tom and I can hardly walk away from it.

The waiter takes us to a small, cozy room upstairs. The room has one table next to a window that overlooks a small pond at the back of the old house.

"My name is Jason, and I am your waiter today. Can I get you something to drink? Our wine list is there on the table."

I settle back into the cushioned, wood-backed chair, sighing when the weight on my feet is released. Tom gives me a concerned glance, and I smile reassuringly at him. We both look over the wine list for a moment, and we end up ordering a bottle of Moscato and two glasses of water. Jason writes the order down and disappears quickly.

Once he is gone, I can feel Tom's eyes on me.

"Why so tense?" He asks. I glance over at him momentarily before taking a deep breath. "Is it what you said earlier in the car?"

So, he did take note of that. Great.

"Why do emotions make you anxious?" He isn't trying to pry, I can tell that. His voice is genuinely concerned.

"Uh..." How much to tell him... how much to tell him... I struggle to find the right words. With a small sigh, I rest my chin in my hand for a moment. "I guess... I have a fear of being rejected. And hurting others. So, keeping emotions out of it saves everyone from hurt." I hope that blocks any questions about my personal life. I don't think I could really tell anyone, nonetheless Tom Hiddleston, about the full extent of my last relationship.

Thankfully, Jason arrives with our drinks and that halts both the conversation and my mind for a moment. I cringe a little when Jason's dark eyes linger on me just a second too long. He lightly tosses his head, moving sandy blond hair out of his eyes. I deliberately look outside, turning my face from his line of direct sight.

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