Chapter 36

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Okay, I think this chapter will make you guys happy. I hope so. 🙂 And, the picture above is mine. I took it in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Copyright @12HarryPotter12 2018. And guys, this chapter is longer because of how much I have to fit in. So, If you don't like longer chapters (Which I don't see why you wouldn't) sorry. But if you do, Yay! This is at least twice the length of what I normally write. Have fun!

Tom and his sisters had gone out grocery shopping for their mom, as well as a couple of other errands, so I decided to stay—at the insistence of Adam—at the house to help Jack and Yakov take care of the kids while the moms were out. I helped keep the children entertained while the guys hung out. It was a relaxing experience, despite juggling three kids for the morning.

I also managed to help Diana make lunch and we ended up talking for about an hour or so. After that, while the children took their naps, I packed my things. I texted Tom, asking if he wanted me to pack his things, and he said go ahead.

I am lounging on the couch, reading my book, when Tom, Emma, and Sarah finally get back. I get up to help them unload groceries from the back of the car. Tom greets me with a quick hug and kiss, his hands holding grocery bags.

"How'd it go?" I ask Emma as I pick up a bag containing a couple loafs of bread.

"Uneventful. But we enjoyed the conversation. I haven't had a chance to talk with Tom and Sarah like that in ages. I think we all needed it." She gives me a small smile. "Thanks for watching the kids."

"Not at all. They should be waking up from their naps right about now. They were easy to handle, and we had lots of fun."

"Oh good." Emma grabs the last couple of bags, and I close the door. We both lug the heavy bags into the kitchen where they are deposited with relief. Jack and Yakov are putting the groceries wherever they need to be.

"Alice?" It's Sarah.

"Yep?" She beckons me to follow her and I do, Emma on my tail. "I was wondering if you'd like to go shopping with us. We wanted to stop by a few stores, but never got a chance because of the food in the car."

Emma squeals slightly. "Oh! It'll be such fun! There are some really cute boutiques that I am dying to visit. Besides," She gives me a once-over. "I think you deserve a new dress. Tom's taking you out, right?"

"Yeah, when we get back to London. I'm excited. It's been a long time since I've been out on a date." I smile. "It'd be nice to get a new dress. Geez, the last time I went shopping was..." A stab of sadness. "With Holly."

Sarah puts a hand on my arm, giving it a gentle squeeze. "We'll find you something you feel beautiful in, and something that will wow Tom. Bonus if you can make his mouth drop."

We all laugh together and I feel a thrill of excitement. "When are we leaving?"


"What about this one?" I glance up from the rack I am looking at to where Sarah holds up a dress.

It's a maroon dress, floor-length, with a decorative lace overlay. The lace overlay is a little higher in the neckline than the body of the dress underneath, so skin would show around my upper chest and throat. The sleeves are three-quarter length and are of the same decorative lace.

"I like it..." Emma says, giving it a once over, before looking over to me. "But I'm not sure it's her color. She does well in darker colors, like back or blue." She gives me another look. Actually, any color blue, I think. It would bring out the color in her eyes."

"Yeah, you're right." Sarah replaces the dress. "You got anything, Alice?" I look over the rack, wondering why I'm even in this direction.

"No. Hot pink isn't exactly my style." I tilt my head to the side. "Holly tried to get me into this tiny black thing once. I'm not even sure it could be counted as clothing. It hardly covered anything." Sarah chuckles.

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