Oneshot 1

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So, These are just one-shots for the most part. There isn't any real story behind them, It's just little bits and bobs of their daily life. I'm also thinking about certain chapters in other points of view. Those will be marked out a certain way, so you'd know which ones those were. If y'all have ideas, hit me up. And, because of the fact that these are one-shots, there's time jumps ahead. I will post the "Date" at the top. So... first one-shot is here! Big time-jump into the future! The kiddos are in their teens, now. And also, because of the time jumps, I will have this format below, to show when it is, and about how old everyone is. (Totally not a reference for myself lol)

Also, I'm curious: Where are Y'all from? I'm from Texas, (That's in America) if y'all didn't know already.

Also... this chapter took me over a month to finish... a combination of writer's block and other priorities. *Listens to Cro at 5 in the morning and sips coffee* So... no comment. XD

Date: March 23, 2035

Alice's Age: 52

Tom's Age: 54

Twins' Age: 15

"Don't forget to do your homework!" I call, leaning up against the kitchen counter. "Your father will be home soon!"

"Yes, Ma'am!" The in-sync yell comes from upstairs. I smirk, turning to the boiling pot on the stove. I glance over at Amanda who is cradling a small child on her hip, and Stephen, trying to sneak a piece of candy from the jar sitting on the island. With a sheepish grin, he withdraws his hand, but I still see the glimpse of colored paper from the saltwater taffy he managed to steal. Amanda sends him a reproachful look, and I laugh.

"Feel free to take what you want," I say, stirring the noodles in the pot. "The more you eat, the less Tom and the kids will. And you're not the ones I have to try and wrangle each night,"

Amanda and Stephen laugh, and the child Amanda is holding laughs as well, swinging his fists.

"Little Luke is growing fast," I remark, smiling.

"He is," Stephen agrees, taking his son from Amanda's arms to give her a break. "I wish Dad and Elizabeth would have gotten to meet him." We lapse into somber silence for a moment, and I have to shake off the gloom.

"They would be proud, I'm sure," I reply, smiling.

Stephen nods. "I know they would. I just can't help but miss them."

Some more silence, and I return to stirring the pot. My mind drifts for a few moments, remembering the passing of the elderly couple. Mr. Alexander had another stroke, and unfortunately, his body was unable to recover. He passed peacefully in his sleep though, in hospice. Elizabeth, due to age, died a year or so later. It rocked my world for a little while, losing some people so close to me. But knowing they died happy, having lived good, long lives, I can now sleep easier at night.

"Who all's coming tonight?" Amanda asks, bouncing Luke on her knee and bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Besides Tom, just Sophie and Benedict. Christopher is at a sleepover at a friend's house, and Hal is on an overnight school trip." I reply, tasting a noodle for its texture. A little longer in the pot, I think, lowering the heat on the stove, and put the cover on top.

"It'll be good to see Benedict again," Amanda commented. "It's been a while." Stephen nods, popping the candy he had unwrapped into his mouth.

"It has, hasn't it? I know he's been pretty busy with benefits and things of that nature," I muse, leaning back against the counter.

Suddenly, there is the sound of keys in the door. I grin, straightening as I do so.

"Alice? I'm home! Ben and Sophie are with me," Tom's voice carries through the house. I hear some disturbance from upstairs, probably the twins realizing that their father is home and they haven't finished with their studies.

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