Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Warning to all readers, there is a rather disturbing scene in the very beginning. If that bothers you, I will indicate with some bold writing when you can read again. I apologize to anyone who is offended by this.

"Oh!" I gasp, taking an automatic step back. "Sorry, I didn't know I was keeping you waiting."

Jason takes a step forward, tipping his head to look down at me. I subconsciously flinch away, and I try to duck around his body. "I'm sorry, my date is waiting for me and I have to-"

"Wait just a minute." His hand flashes out and grabs the top of my arm. Hard. I yelp in pain as he jerks me back into the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind him.

"N-no! Stop! What are you-" Jason's free hand grabs my wrists after shoving a cloth napkin into my mouth, and with strong movements, he backs me up until my spine is pressed against the sink. I struggle to free myself from his grip and try to scream through the gag, but I fail at both.

"Now, now. If you don't struggle, this may be pleasurable for you. It doesn't have to be this way." Jason's hot breath tickles my ear, and I flinch away, a small cry muffled by the cloth of the napkin.

No! No! Not again! Please! I struggle wildly in his grip. A hard kick to my ankles sends me sprawling to the floor, and Jason is on top of me. I knee him where the sun doesn't shine, earning a pained grunt.

"You little minx!" He snarls in my ear. "You'll pay for that."

I scream as loud as I can through my nose (A/N- yes it's a thing. Not very effective, I tried it out myself, but it's a thing) as I feel Jason's rough hand start running up the inside of my thigh. Someone help me! I thrash wildly, kicking the wall hard. Jason's leg is suddenly there, pinning my leg to the floor.

As his hand travels further up, I try to rip my wrists free of his grip, but don't succeed. I can feel his evident arousal pressed into my inner thigh. My dress has ridden up to my hips, and Jason's hand is now toying with the fabric of my underwear. I whimper once, still trying to buck him off.

I jerk to the side, feeling a sharp pain when I accidentally knock my head against the toilet. Jason is now rubbing me, and I try even harder to get away. I writhe and twist, I use all of my strength, but suddenly, my body goes rigged. My underwear is at my knees, and his hand touches the apex of my legs. My mind reels, but I feel my body go slack as it gives up the will to fight. It's been in this situation before. It knows that I can't win.

Instead of a blond man on top of me, it is a buff, dark-haired one, green eyes glinting darkly. This man. The one I married. The one I thought loved me, and who would take care of me. Hold me. Cherish me. Until death did us part. I twist once more under his grip, a scream of fear and pain building in my chest.

Suddenly, there is a harsh banging on the door, and I am snapped out of my memory.

"Alice! Alice! Are you okay?" It's Tom. He sounds worried. Jason glances over at the door, a sneer on his face. I take this moment of distraction to throw all my weight into a buck. I actually manage to get him off of me. He lands heavily against the door, and it shudders. I hear a quiet curse from the other side of the door.

I scramble to my feet, yanking my underwear up and the gag out of my mouth as I back into a defensive crouch. As Jason approaches, I throw a punch, managing to catch him in the jaw. I can hear Tom yelling outside, and there are more pairs of feet coming down the hallway. If I can only make it to the lock...

Okay. It's done now. You can continue reading.

Jason seems to read my mind and lunges at me, knocking me into the door. I let out a yell and hit him as hard as I can. Jason grabs my wrist and twists it until I scream in pain. His hand is reaching for my dress again, his body pinned against mine, when the door bursts open with a bang. I almost sob in relief.

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