Chapter 38

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I know Infinity War was all shot in one time period, but for the sake of the story, they broke up the films and filmed the scenes like any normal cast would: movie by movie.

"So," America grins at me. I smile at her through the Skype call. "Who's on the guest list?"

I glance down at the paper in my hands. "Well, for Tom's side, I have Diana, His sisters and their family, His father, and the Cumberbatch family. Most of the cast from Infinity War is coming as well. Including you, I assume.

"For me, all I really have is Joel and his f—wait— his wife. I missed the wedding when I was in the hospital. And then Mr. Alexander and Elizabeth, and Patrick."

"All you have is Joel, Holly's boyfriend, and your boss? Seriously? There aren't any family members or friends you can invite?"

"No, not really. I lived in a small family. Both my parents were only siblings. Their parents died when I was small. I lost most of my friends after everything with John. More like I shut them all out when I went AWOL, basically. None of them I actually knew well enough." I sigh. "I lead an entertaining life, don't ya' know? Besides, we said small, right?"

"Yeah I know you did, but still. That's a little pathetic. Wait, are you inviting Jack?"

"Oh, good idea." I jot his name down on the "remind-to-invite" list.

"When's the last time you talked to him?" America asks. She spins a makeup brush around her fingers.

"Um, I sent him an article a few days ago. If that's what you mean by talk."

"Eh, I guess it counts. Where are you?"

I look around the room. "I am currently in a rented flat. It's a block down from Tom's place."

"Where's Tom?"

"Actually, he's on his way over to Georgia. They need to film some scenes for the second Infinity War. I assume that you're working on that one too?"

Athena, from the bedroom, barks. I grin, looking over my shoulder to see the small puppy looking at me. When Tom had left, he'd asked if I'd take care of his dog, as he couldn't bring her with him to the States. Of course, I agreed.

"Yeah. I have an early morning too."

"Well, why on earth did you call me?!" I ask, bewildered. "We can't have you being tired while working!"

"Please," America scoffs, rolling her eyes. "I've done more on less sleep." I sigh, resting my chin in my hand.

"Just don't wear yourself out." I reprimand. "You work with a lot of people there that rely on you go get rid of pimples, messed up hair, and hickeys."

We both grin at the memory of how we first met. I blush, remembering having the energetic makeup and hair stylist cover up a... mark on my neck which was a little hard to cover on my own.

"Now you don't need me for that. Because who cares, right?"

I rub my neck absently, a smile plastered to my face.

"I guess you're right."

America leans towards the screen. "Now, who's in your wedding party?"

"Again, we're doing something really simple. Ben is going to be Tom's Best Man. And that reminds me! I wanted to ask you if you would be my Maid of Honor."

Okay, when I had planned out how I was going to ask her, that wasn't how I planned it. It just kind of slipped out, and now the offer is there, hanging in the air above my head. "Okay... I meant for that to be a little more... elegant? Is that the word I'm looking for?" I frown, feeling my face heat up a little. Good grief.

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