Chapter 22

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So... I literally just finished Avengers Infinity War about thirty minutes ago. (Right now it is ~5:30 PM Texas Time, 4/29/18) So, this chapter might be crap. I am an emotional wreck, and my family doesn't get the depth of these feelings. They aren't marvel fans. Remember, no spoilers, please, for those who haven't watched the movie yet. This is going to be hard for me, as I imagine some of it will be for you guys, once you've seen the movie, just be braced. And have Tissues. Love y'all.

3 weeks later

"So.... Mer," I settle into one of the makeup chairs, my camera in between my legs on the seat. "Not to pry, but you seem to have the hots for..." I wiggle my eyebrows slightly. America grins, leaning back against the counter.

"I... uh..." She blushes red, and I smirk, crossing my arms in triumph.

"Seabass, eh?"

"I don't know what you're talking about?" Her voice turns up into a question.

"Please, Tom said that you were all over Sebastian at that bar."

"Why are you bringing this up now?" America asks, frowning at me. I chuckle under my breath, getting to my feet.

"No reason." I grin widely, biting my lip as I do so. "So... let's compare notes, shall we?" I lean forward. "What are his kisses like?"

"What?! No! I haven't kissed him..." We both seem to be disappointed.

"Oh..." I frown. "Anyway, for the record, Tom is an amazing kisser."

"I bet he is. And there's something to that voice. I swear, every time he says something, you seem to melt." It's my turn to blush, and hers to grin triumphantly.

I lift my camera, pursing my lips. "If you don't mind, I need to go and take some pictures of some extremely hot movie stars. If I get any of Sebastian, I'll email them to you. Especially if I can get a shirtless shot."

America groans softly, and I laugh out loud, closing the trailer door behind me.

I walk through the mass of trailers and sets and props, seeking out my favorite boy. Instead, I spot his publicist and flag him down.

"Hey! Luke!" Luke walks over, an eyebrow raised. "Oh, don't give me that look," I complain, placing a hand on my hip. Luke merely rolls his eyes. "Anyway, I got some good ones of Tom, along with some candid shots of the others. Do you want to see them?"

Luke agrees, and I turn on my camera, beginning to flip through the pictures. "I'll email them to you as well, so you can see them better."

"I'd appreciate it." Suddenly, his cell phone rings, and he, apologizing to me, walks off to answer it.

I wander around until I find the place where the cast has congregated and I watch in silence from the sidelines as they film a few takes. There are people watching from outside the gate since we're filming in a public place, but they are respectful and quiet.

I watch a few scenes, before turning and ducking under one of the tents provided for shade.

Five minutes later, I am joined with about half of the cast.

"I have an idea, guys." Chris Pratt announces, kicking back in his chair, and looking very much like the Star-Lord he portrays. "After this, what do you guys say to coming down to my room, and we all do a drinking game? I found this good one online, that should be entertaining enough. And..." He adds over some protests, including mine. "None of us have to film tomorrow. We all get a break. Plus, it's supposed to be raining from sometime tonight all through the next day, apparently some bad storm that might end up taking the power out."

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