Chapter 10

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I sigh, turning in place as I look at my reflection in the mirror. Holly comes in, a cup of tea in her hand.

"Hey, are you ready?" she asks. I glance at her in the reflection of the mirror, grimacing slightly. She sighs, coming to stand behind me. "I know this interview was a surprise, and I apologize, but like I said-"

"Yes, yes, yes." I put my hands up to stall her words. "You think this would be a good use of my talents."

"It will be! You might rise up to be able to write your own section, as well as doing the photos. I have every confidence that you can get this job." Her hands squeeze my shoulders lightly. I give her a tired smile. "How well did you sleep last night?"

I shrug. "Well enough." I scan myself in the mirror.

I am wearing a long-sleeved navy-blue button down with a black blazer over the top. I also have on a pair of black leggings, a bit tighter than I am used too, but fashionable and professional at the same time. A black purse hangs on an extended strap, resting next to my hip. I also wear small diamond earrings and a delicate cross necklace. On my feet are black ankle-high boots that I am sure to twist my ankle in. Holly had helped me pick out the outfit the day before.

"Are you sure about this?" I ask, pulling lightly on the sleeve of the jacket. "it just seems..."

"You need to make the best first impression. Later, when you get the job, we can go and buy you some comfortable, but classy clothes for when you go to photoshoots with movie stars."

"Please..." I blush lightly, fiddling with my purse. Over on the bedside table, my phone buzzes. With a small sigh, I wobble over, still getting used to the extra height of the shoes and pick up the phone. It's a text. From Tom.

Good luck with your interview! I know you will do just smashing. :)

"Who is it?" Holly asks, peering over my shoulder the best she can. I show her the text. "Oh! Give me that!" She snatches the phone from my hand quickly.

"Hey!" I exclaim, not steady enough to be able to grab back for my phone.

"I'm taking a picture to send to him!"

"Nononononono!" I gasp, approaching her. "Holly..."

"Alice..." She mimics my whining tone. "It's just one picture. Besides, it's Tom. You look rather sexy in this."

"All the more reason not to show him!" I screech. "I don't want to give him the wrong idea!"

"What is the idea?" Holly asks, frowning at me. "You like him, right?" I don't respond. "And he likes you, right?"

"W-well, maybe, I mean..."

"So, there should be no problem with sending him an attractive picture of yourself." She holds the camera up. "Say cheese!"

Resigned, I force a weak smile to the camera. Once she has taken the picture, I walk over to her. I watch her as she taps out a message to Tom.

Hi, Mr. Hiddleston! It's Holly. I stole Alice's phone. She is getting ready right now!

She inserted the picture after she sent the message. A minute later, and another message pops in.

Nice picture. Tell her she looks beautiful.

I blush redder than a tomato. Holly gets to typing away.

You should see her face right now. I think she might be redder than a cherry.

Is she reading these?


Hello, Alice Darling!

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