Chapter 29

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"What?" The word escapes my lips in a rough whisper.

"I'm sorry, ma'am. It's best you get into the hospital. They're not sure he will survive the night either."

I can feel my legs give out. I stumble, and suddenly, Tom's arms are around my waist, supporting me. My vision goes black for a second, and I take huge, gasping breaths.

"Alice? Alice!" Tom's voice thunders in my ear. I feel like I am moving through water, each of my movements slowed, held down by an immense weight called gravity. I can feel my knees touch the ground; Tom has lowered me to the ground. My hand is still clenched around the phone, still pressed against my ear.

"The other driver is pretty bad off, but they've got him in emergency surgery." The man's voice barely registers in my mind.

"Alice, what's wrong?" Tom is holding my shoulders, staring into my eyes. My throat is dry.

"Okay," I whisper into the receiver. "I'll be there as soon as I can." I hang up, the phone nearly falling from my limp hands. There is a buzzing in my ears, and I can see Tom's mouth moving. I can't hear what he is saying though. My sight begins to move into tunnel vision, and I start feeling nauseous.

I think another hand is on my back, and suddenly, a cup is being pressed to my lips. I try and pull away, but Tom coaxes me to take a drink. I choke slightly on the strong brandy, sputtering and coughing, but calming as the liquid burns its way to my stomach.

"Alice?" I can hear his voice now. I glance around, starting slightly when I see Tom Holland, Luke, Benedict and Sophie standing behind me. Beyond them, people are subtly watching us, trying to find out what is going on without actually approaching us. I am grateful that they show some sort of respect for us. I turn my face back to Tom.

"There... we... I..." I take a deep breath.

"Focus, love. Deep breaths. You're really pale." I swallow, letting out a shaky breath.

"There was... a car accident." I slowly pull my thoughts together, still trying to wrap my brain around the biggest problem. "Patrick was very badly injured, he's in surgery. They're not sure he will survive the night. The other driver is in surgery too. The EMT called from Holly's phone, because it doesn't have a passcode, and it was the only phone that survived the crash. I was in her emergency contact list."

Tom brushes some stray hair from my face. "And what of Holly, darling?"

I lift my gaze to meet his. "The EMT said the car rolled five times. She wasn't wearing a seatbelt."

The realization sinks into Tom's face. Suddenly, he's pale too, eyes wide. Wordlessly, he pulls me to him, and I rest my head against his shoulder. I am waiting for the shock to subside, waiting for the waterworks to flow. I don't want it to be around people. Especially not here.

Tom stands, helping me to my feet. He turns to Luke, murmuring something under his breath. I keep my face turned from the people, focusing instead on the floor until Tom takes me under his arm.

He leads me outside after ten minutes or so and we get into his car. I tell the driver the address of the hospital, and he gives me an odd look.

"Don't worry about it, mate," Tom assures the man. "It's not us. Just step on it."

We make it to the hospital in record time, and then we have to wait. People enter. People leave. The minutes turn to hours. Tom leaves to fetch some fresh clothes for me and for some coffee.

I call Joel but only get his answering machine. I leave a message telling him about Holly, then hang up. I sit there in the hard plastic chair, staring down at my phone, wondering when I will wake up. My shields have locked into place once more, preventing both painful emotions penetrating me, and keeping my raging pain from spilling out, revealing the brokenness I am feeling.

Shields- A Tom Hiddleston FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now