Chapter 48

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The two weeks go by faster than I want them too. Fourteen days of heaven: swimming, eating, reading, sunbathing, intimacy, both physical and mental.

I've always wondered about the true reason for honeymoons, and now I think I do. It's not just for the sex, or the long vacation in a breath-taking suite, it's the quality time with your new spouse. It's having the opportunity to bond with each other without having to deal with other people. It's getting to know each other on an even deeper level, something more than just something physical, but emotional and spiritual. Having the connection between two people.

It's important. It's as simple as that.

This is the revelation I have while taking a shower on the last of our nights here. I can hear Tom moving around in the other room, hear the sound of suitcases being moved, clothes being folded, and objects being re-arranged. I let the hot spray hit me, eyes closed, and leaning up against the cool tile of the shower wall.

I hear the bathroom door open and close. I open my eyes, glancing through the clear glass of the upper third of the shower door.

Tom stands there, by the sink, a light smile on his face. The love in his eyes makes my stomach flip. It still is a new experience for me, to have someone so unabashedly in love with me. He chose me. He wasn't stuck with me. Or, at least, I hope he doesn't feel that way.

"What do you say to a romantic dinner tonight?" He asks, approaching the shower so I can hear him a little better.

"We've been having romantic dinners for two weeks, Tom," I reply, grinning. "What do you have in mind for this one?"

"Hm..." Tom smiles once. "I have a couple of ideas. You'll have to be willing to be a little brave, though."

"I'm game." We've been having most of our dinners on the dining patio with a perfect view of the beach, ocean, and sunset below. We went to the café a couple times where we had a private room away from other patrons. We've even had a picnic on the beach, feeding the birds that approach us.

I've taken about a jiggillion pictures. (Anyone get the Back to the Future reference? No? Okay, carry on. Sorry) The sunsets and sunrises (The sunrises involved hikes through the island at four in the morning), animals, the water, the suite, the island itself. All of these will be stories to tell my children someday.

Tom holds up a black dress, hanging it on a hook. "Wear this one for me?"

"Sure," I grin when I see him set something on the edge of the tub, a tint of pink staining his cheekbones. "Have you plans for tonight, Mr. Hiddleston?"

"Wicked plans, Mrs. Hiddleston." He steps closer to the glass.

"Care to join me?" I ask, breath uneven. Tom gives me a long, evil-looking smile, giving me a quick once-over that makes me go warm all over, even more so than the hot water.

"I think not. I want you prepared for my plans tonight." He growls this, sending shivers down my spine, He then turns, exiting the bathroom.

Needless to say, it takes a few minutes to get my pulse back to a point to where I am sure I am not having some sort of attack. I then get out of the shower, although a little weak-kneed, and change into the outfit Tom picked out for me. Now dressed, I exit the bathroom. Tom is nowhere in sight.

"Tom?" I glance around the bedroom. Nothing. "Tom?...Thomas?" He's not on the patio. Or in the plunge pool. The dining area is vacant as well, though one of the chairs is missing. I take a moment to glance at the setting sun, immediately running for my camera. I snap a few pictures before putting the camera on the bed and going out onto the porch. "Tom, where are you?" I stand there, wondering where the man could have gone. There aren't many places to hide around here, and he is not exactly small—in any sense of the word.

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