Untitled Part 41

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"This is some party!" I yell in Robert's ear. He grins at me, toasting with a glass of champagne. I do the same.

"I pulled out all the stops! We're able to see the Ball drop from the balcony, too. We don't have to deal with the mayhem that is in the square." He takes a sip, rolling his eyes.

"And it's not too crowded up here."

"Only the Avenger's cast and crew." Robert looks pleased with himself. I look over the crowd to see Tom laughing with America, who is arm-in-arm with Sebastian. Good. I'm happy for them.

"Is this your penthouse? Or did you rent it?" I ask the man-of-iron next to me. He chuckles.

"It's mine of course." He looks down and grabs my left wrist to look at the engagement ring in the disco light. "This is nice, by the way. Tom really knows you well." I grin, taking another sip of my drink.

"He does. Just like you know Susan. Where is she, by the way?"

"She wanted to stay home with the kids." He lowers his voice. "Between you and me, she might be pregnant again."

"Really?" I gasp. "That's great!"

Robert actually blushes a bit. "We're not positive. I mean, the tests proved positive, but she wanted to get a doctor's opinion first."

"I'm so happy for you! Another little one! That's great."

"Are you planning to have kids?" Robert asks, making his way towards the bar. I follow him, dodging dancing movie stars and crew members.

"I think so. I would like to. But at the moment, I am a little preoccupied with the wedding to really think about kids. I know a family is a possibility for the future. I imagine we might wait, though, because of Tom's job. It's his decision, really, as to whether he wants to settle down first, or if we want to try even while he is traveling for his work." I hum. "I should probably ask him about it. Anyways, how was your Christmas?"

Robert is halfway through explaining a tie his son had made for him when someone yells "Ten minutes till the ball drops!" Robert takes this as his cue to face-time Susan.

"I promised her that we'd be looking at each other when it drops." He says.

"Aw! Bobby, you old romantic, you!"

I leave him to talk, well, more accurately yell, to his wife over the phone and go and find Tom. Chris Hemsworth and Elsa have joined him as well as Benedict and Sophie. Sophie and America pull me into the group. I take my spot next to Tom, grinning up at him. He gives me a quick kiss on the lips, his arm snaking around my waist. I lean into his side, draining my glass. Tom notices the empty glass and steps away, telling me he's going to get drinks. I watch his figure as he walks away, looking smart in his black suit.

I'm wearing a blue cocktail dress with a slit up the thigh. A little out of my comfort zone, but Tom likes it on me, so I feel better wearing it. I am also trying my hand at heels- a silver pair of strappy things that lace halfway up my calves.

"Lookin' snazzy, girl!" America yells over the music. I grin, taking in her own dress- a black dress with a lower neckline and stopping halfway down her thigh. Her heels make her almost as her date.

"I can say the same for you" I pretend to scrutinize the couple. "So... you two are a thing now, right?"

America blushes, and Sebastian leans down to kiss her cheek. I smile.

"Great!" I exclaim, clapping my hands once. "I'm no good at playing cupid, so I was hoping you two would eventually get together."

Chris chuckles, elbowing me gently. "You should have seen Mer's puppy-dog eyes. I swear, when she could she shadowed the man." America scowls playfully at the Australian, folding her arms.

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