Chapter 20

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Lol. I had fun writing this one. Enjoy!

"So, you're leaving in what... two days?" Holly mutters, looking at me over her wine glass. I frown slightly, crossing my legs.

"Yeah. I have too, now that I'm working closely with Luke and things. It's interesting, but I enjoy it. I have to pack for Spain, Switzerland, and then we're going back to the States, I think Georgia, to finish off."

"Damn, girl." Holly sighs, draining her cup and reaching for the bottle. "I mean, I won't be exactly lonely what with Patrick around, but, I mean, come on! You just got here!"

"I know." I rest my chin in my hand. "I know, and I'm sorry."

"Oh, don't be! If I was in your place, I would totally do the same thing!" She makes eyes at me. "Especially if I'd get to spend the months with Tom Hiddleston, my boyfriend. Plus," she sets her cup down, serious now, "it'll keep you out of John's way. Hopefully, this sex tape business will blow over.

"Luke helped you with the papers, right?"

"Yup." I nod. "John signed the divorce papers quick and easy. I am officially Alison Joanna Monroe once more."

"Good. That bastard needs to go to hell. And die real, real slowly."

I chuckle, finally taking a sip of my own wine while being careful of my injured hand. "Someone's getting violent."

"Hell yes, I am." She lets out a disgruntled noise. "If it wasn't illegal, I'd murder him."

"I wouldn't say anything," I reply. Holly laughs. A knock at the door attracts our attention, and I get to my feet. "Be right there!"

I walk over, peaking through the peephole. "Oh!" I lean back to look at Holly. "Um... are we presentable?" I ask.

"Sure, why?"

"Because our boyfriends are standing outside the door with buckets of ice cream."

"Ice cream! Well, let them in! We don't want it to melt!" I open the door, stepping to the side, grinning.

"Hi Tom, Patrick. This is a surprise." I suddenly realize that I am wearing Loki leggings , and an old t-shirt. Tom grins, taking me into his arms and kissing me gently. Patrick sets the ice cream down on the dining room table, kissing Holly.

"I just realized something," I mutter to Tom, walking over with him. "They're like, each other's negative."

Holly, pale-skinned, dark hair and eyes. Patrick with tanned skin, bright green eyes, and blonde hair.

Tom chuckles, walking over to the kitchen for an ice cream scoop. "Nice Loki leggings, by the way."

I blush, sitting down next to Holly after pulling down two more wine glasses, filling them, and offering them to the boys. Patrick accepts with a nod, sitting next to Holly, who is staring at the ice cream bins hungrily.

"You'd better hurry up, mate," Patrick comments, grinning. "Holly, here, might just eat the stuff straight from the container."

"You'd better not," I threaten. "I am in need of it just as much as you are."

Holly sticks her tongue out at me, and I roll my eyes.

"In need?" Tom asks, setting the scoop down and picking up his wine glass.

"Thin ice, Tom," I warn, beginning to scoop the vanilla into a bowl for Holly. "It's lady stuff."

"Oh," both Tom and Patrick mutter at the same time. Holly and I crack up, and I have to stop scooping for a moment to catch my breath.

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