Chapter 37

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Just fyi, I won't have Wi-Fi for a couple of weeks. I will be writing, that's not the issue, but I won't be able to post for a bit. So, once I've come back on, I will have, hopefully, at least a couple of chapters for y'all. Until we meet again!

"Did you tell Ben yet?" I look up from the strewn papers on the coffee table to where Tom sits at the bar, his laptop open.

"Told him earlier, love." He pauses for a second, clicking on something on the screen before continuing. "He'll be coming over today with Sofie, anyways. And maybe Holland. Everyone from America sends their best wishes, and you will probably get stuck into a group chat."

"It's the middle of the night there. Oh, did you tell Luke?"

"That won't stop Bobby, and yes, I told Luke. He said he would get in contact with me sometime this afternoon to put out a statement from both of us."

"True and okay." I roll my eyes at the absurdity of the double-topic conversation we're having. My phone starts buzzing. "Speak of the devil." I turn it onto speakerphone and set it onto the table as I begin sorting through the papers. "Mornin' Stark," I call. "Why are you calling at..." I glance at the clock, trying to do the math.

"It's one in the morning here."

"Ugh. It just turned nine here. Coffee still hasn't kicked in though." I yawn.

"Long night?" I can hear the coyness behind and roll my eyes.

"If you mean staying up with my future sisters-in-law and mother-in-law planning my wedding, yes, I had a very long night. Thank goodness we both just want something simple. We got a lot of the basics done by three. Poor Diana, she passed out on the couch around midnight." I stretch. "I don't think I got five hours of sleep last night."

"Well, why didn't you sleep in?"

"Because there is still so much to do." I yawn again, rolling my eyes slightly. "But thank goodness I've got a lot of the basic stuff down."

"Busy bee, eh?"

"Something like that. Anyways, what's happening?" I roll my neck to ease the stiffness as I begin to jot down notes on one of the papers about the venue and seating.

"Well, we wanted to say congratulations! Obviously."

"Thanks!" I smile down at my engagement ring. "Remind me to send you a picture of the ring. Wait—who's 'we'?"

"Well, let's see... We've got all of the Crises, America, Sea Bass, male British Alexa, Elizabeth, Scarlett, both of the Russos, the second bro of Science Bros, aaaaaaaaaand... some of their spouses."

"Huh. That's quite a group you've got there. And you're all up at one in the morning why?"

"Well, we had a script reading, as I'm sure you know. We've been doing some of them later on Skype calls with Tom squared and Benedict, but we had some things we needed to tweak here. Yo, Hiddleston!"

"I'm here," Tom calls from his barstool.

"Remind me to remind you of the changes we made, capiche?"

"He just threw a thumbs-up," I tell Robert, grinning as I do so. "So, if everyone is over there, why am I only hearing you?"

"Because I am Iron Man, spokesperson of, well, everyone."

"But of course." I roll my eyes. "I'm rolling my eyes, right now."

My phone makes a noise, and I see that Robert is trying to facetime. I accept the call and rest the phone against the candle sitting on the table so my face is visible. Robert's grin makes me chuckle as I return back to my paperwork. I can see the rest of the cast chilling in the room behind him. If I didn't know any better, I'd think he was sitting on a table to get leverage for me to see everyone. No—wait— that's exactly something he would do. Never mind.

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