Chapter 18

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I hope you guys like this! Have some fun hearing Tom's perspective!

Tom P.O.V.

I'm not 100-percent sure how it happened, but it happened.

The double-date that was Alice, me, Holly, and Patrick turned into a cast meeting of the Avengers and basically renting out the pub for the night. No one is sober. Many are flat-out drunk; I'm on the border. At least, I claim to be on the border. That may not be the truth.

I lean against the bar, holding a scotch. I think Hemsworth is standing next to me, but I can't be sure. I look over to the dance floor, where I finally find Alice dancing with Holly, America, and Sebastian. She looks to be enjoying herself, seeming much more comfortable on the dance floor then i would have taken her for. I then see the emptied glass and put two and two together. I grin, seeing how much fun she is having.

"She seems to be having fun," someone says to my left. I look over and find myself looking down at a man, shorter than me and with dark hair. He hasn't been here long; he isn't quite drunk yet. His eyes are on Alice, and I feel protectiveness rise up in me.

"Yes, she does." Something tugs in the back of my mind, but the alcohol seems to have muddled my reasoning. I turn my gaze back to the dance floor where a pretty-looking brunette has joined the girls on the dance floor.

"That one's mine," the man beside me murmurs, gesturing with his drink. When he turns his face towards me, I note the black eyes and bandage over his nose.

"Good lord, mate. What happened to you there?" I point to his nose.

He just chuckles a bit. "Nothing, really." He adds something under his breath.

"Sorry? I didn't catch that." I drain the rest of the scotch, turning to the barmaid and gesturing for two more, placing some notes on the bar.

"Nothing," the man replies again, accepting the drink I hand to him. "Just talking to myself."


Alice catches my attention, waving to me. "Come and join me, Thomas!" she calls, and I set my fresh drink on the bar.

"Right away, love." I get to my feet, nodding towards the man. "Sorry, I didn't get your name."

"Oh... it's Alex."

I squint at him for a moment, then nod, holding my hand out to him. "Nice to meet you, mate. I'm Tom."

"Pleasure." The man shakes my hand and takes a long drink of his beer. I turn to go dance with Alice. She meets me halfway, taking my hands and pulling me towards the crowd. I draw her close to me, kissing her gently.

"Are you having a good time, dear?"

"Mmm." She leans up and kisses my neck sensually. It takes all of my limited self-control to keep a proper handle on myself and my actions. I kiss her once more, then softly pull away.

"Darling, you may want to stop being such a temptation to me,"

She laughs loudly, wrapping her arms around my neck and throws herself on me, nearly knocking me over. "Maybe I want that."

"No, you don't," I whisper to her. "When you sober up, you'll remember."

She sighs heavily, resting her head on my chest as the song changes to a popular hip-hop song. Alice tries to slow-dance to this one, urging me along with her

I lead her in the steps of a drunken slow-dance, both of us laughing when she treads on my feet in her stupor, and when I stagger and knock into America, who is dancing wildly to the upbeat tune and nearly impales me with her heels.

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