Chapter 46

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This is going to be super long. It's the wedding and the reception afterwards. I might even let you glimpse the honeymoon spot in this chapter.

It's a surreal experience, waking up on your wedding day.

I wake as I normally do—to my phone alarm at eight AM, and to Maple meowing for me to feed her. I sit up sluggishly, the melatonin I had needed to take last night to get me to sleep still slowing my movements. My head also pounds slightly, paying tribute to the wild night I had had previously. I yawn, stretching, and stand. I look outside, smiling when I see a vague light brightening the horizon. Maple meows more insistently, rubbing up against my bare leg. I tug the hem of my sweatpants up, snatch my phone and my glasses from the bedside table, and leave the bedroom.

Once finished feeding Maple her extremely unappetizing-looking cat food, I settle down in front of my laptop while I wait for the coffee to brew. Suddenly, my phone begins to ring.

I glance at the caller id, sighing when I see America's face looking up at me. "Hey, watsup?" I am still tired, so my words are slightly slurred.

"Girl, you up?"

"Uh, define up."

"Awake, girl! Awake! You're getting married!"

"Yup." My coffee maker beeps, and I struggle to my feet. "In eight hours."

"Are you drinking coffee?"

"So what if I am?" I yawn again. "I'm tired. I didn't sleep until, like three when y'all got me home. I only got five hours of sleep. And that's with melatonin."

"I swear, if your eyes are bloodshot, I will kill you."

"Right. I'll get back to you on that. First, lemme drink some coffee." I clink a mug up to the microphone before pouring some coffee over the powdered creamer; because I am too cheap to get the good, liquid kind. America sighs, and I can't help but chuckle. "Anyways, what are you doing besides that?"

"Petting Maple. Imagining the ceremony. Waiting for Tom to call."

"Oh, he's not going to."

"Huh?" America laughs at the shock in my voice.

"Bachelor party. Robert, Benny and the gang took him out, just like we did to you."

The girls—meaning any female from the Infinity War cast that had made it, and Tom's sisters, as well as Susan Downey (Who didn't drink anything, because she was round with a baby) and Sophie—took me round to a variety of different clubs, including a strip club. I had almost walked out of that one, but America sat on me and wouldn't let me up.

"He'd better not be hung over," I say, sighing.

"Why? Cuz' you aren't?"

"Not my fault." I protest, frowning. "I think you spiked my drink. That was not vodka." Her gleeful laugh makes me roll my eyes. "Anyways, besides a hangover, why wouldn't he call?"

"I threatened him."


"I want the first time you get to see him will be when you walk down the aisle, and the first time you hear his voice when you make your vows."

"I hate you."

"No, you don't. You'll love me in the end. Oh, and you don't get to see the decorations when you get there, either."


"I want the full effect when you come out!"

"I think you've been reading too much Twilight."

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