Chapter 17

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This is just a sweet filler chapter! Hope you guys like it! (BTW, there are way too many freaking actors in Infinity War, so they are not all going to be mentioned.) And, the character America goes to T.STARK on quotev. I have been given permission to put her into the story. :)

"Hiddleston! You and Hemsworth are on set in five!" Anthony yells, jogging past the place where I lounge with the other actors, all decked out in their costumes. Tom, dressed as the infamous Loki, lifts his hand in acknowledgement. I grin, snapping a picture of the other Tom drinking a cup of tea and chatting with Scarlett.

My Tom smiles at me, and I take the opportunity to snap another picture, this one of him.

"That one's going as her background!" Robert calls from where he stands talking with Chris Pratt and the rest of the Guardians of the Galaxy cast.

Tom chuckles, grinning. "Well I would hope so!" he responds. I roll my eyes, getting to my feet. I have only been working as the cast's, well, Tom's, personal photographer for three days, but I am already used to being around so many famous people. Holly still wants to come and visit the set before they have to pack up and go to the other location to finish filming.

"Alice?" Anthony's brother, Joe, skids to a stop next to me, looking a bit winded. "I'm sorry to ask this of you, but would you run to the storage room and grab my phone? I left it there when I was looking for a spare light bulb, and I need to be at the set right now. Do you think you could do that?"

"Sure," I reply, smiling.

"May I come with?" Tom asks, smiling at me. I grin in response.

"How can I refuse?"

"Ohhhhh Hiddleston and Monroe are going to the storage room!" Robert exclaims. "Just don't get kinky in there. People walk in all the time."

I can feel my face redden as the others chuckle a bit. Tom rolls his eyes, taking me by the arm and helping me off the sofa. "Come along, now."

We hurry off in the direction of the storage room, my face still burning. Once we are out of sight of the others, Tom plants a sweet kiss on my lips before continuing on. I want to cuddle into his side, but the leather and metal that makes up Loki's outfit, just for this scene, is a bit uncomfortable.

"Flashback to the old Loki, eh?" I ask him, gesturing to the outfit. Tom chuckles, nodding.

"Yeah. I never thought I would get to wear this thing again after Ragnarok." He pulls me close. "Why? Do you like leather and metal?"

Something about that sounds sexual, and I frown at his playful grin. "You heard Robert: no kinky stuff." Tom busts into full-on belly laughter, and I shake my head. "Come on."

We reach the storage room quickly. I swipe my access card on the lock, opening the door, and enter as swiftly as possible. Joe freaks when he doesn't have his phone on him. I pull out my phone and dial the number of the director, waiting to hear the phone ring. But I hear nothing.

"I don't hear anything," Tom states the obvious. "And no one's picking up. On silent, maybe?"

"Probably," I sigh. "He wouldn't want to ruin a take by having his phone go off." I put my phone away and begin walking through the aisles of shelves, looking for a reasonable place for the phone to be. Suddenly, there is a loud clap of thunder, loud enough to make my ears hurt, and the lights go out.

"Damn," I hear Tom mutter. A second later, there is a thin light being emitted from his phone screen. I sigh, pulling out my phone once more.

"We aren't going to find anything in the dark," I say, turning to walk back towards the door. "We might as well go out."

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