Chapter 49

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Question: Is anyone going to WattCon? I wish I was. Ok. Carry on. (My wayward SOOOOOON) [sorry]  

Hehehe... sorry.

"You're insufferable!" I exclaim, tears welling in my eyes.

"I'm insufferable! Are you even listening to yourself?!" Tom whirls around, anger blazing in his eyes. I cross my arms under my chest, jaw clenched. "You get wound up over something that shouldn't be a big deal!"

"Oh, so you and some other woman sucking face isn't a big deal!" I throw my hands up in the air, tears now rolling down my cheeks. "Oh no, it doesn't even matter that you're married! You can French anyone you want because you're Thomas Bloody Hiddleston!" My voice has risen to a shriek.

"It's part of the job, Alison!" Tom shouts back. I turn my back on him, hands shaking with anger. "You had to expect this! I am an actor! It's what I do!"

"You could have some decency and have some tact when it comes to your co-workers!" I bite my lip until I taste blood. My vision is tainted with red. I swear in a stream, bracing myself against the kitchen counter. Tom is glowering at me from the living room. I scowl right back, breathing heavily as I try and reign in the tears. I wipe them from my face with a ferocity that surprises me. "I am so sorry I asked for some loyalty to this marriage! I guess that was a little too much to ask for, wasn't it?!" I snarl, face hot. "I don't know why I expected this to be any different than my last marriage. Of course, I would get the short straw."

That seems to strike a chord with Tom. His face reddens with anger and he stalks over to the counter, scowling down at me, blue eyes blazing with a ferocious anger.

"Don't you dare," He hisses. My hands clench on the counter a new wave of fury crashes over me. My ears ring with the blood rushing through my head.

"Why don't you just go over to her place?!" I spit, voice now shaking with so many different emotions, I can't seem to comprehend them. "Maybe she'd make a better bedmate! Maybe you'd be loyal to someone for once!"

Tom stalks around the bar counter, and I step back to compensate for the closeness. A stab of fear pierces through the wall of anger. An image, like the picture in a fast-moving slideshow, flashes through my mind. From a time more than three years ago from that fateful night. I hand raised to strike me. A hand I thought would always be extended to me in love.

I flinch away from Tom, fear overcoming the anger in a flash.

"Don't come near me," I demand, trying to keep my voice from cracking. It's weaker from before. Tom can tell because something in his face changes. Just a fraction less of anger, and a fraction more of... possibly curiosity. I can't tell. "Just... just stay away. Please."

I don't know what else to say. Maybe I am overreacting, but I have a good reason. With a stifled sob, and with fear wedged in my throat, I turn and run up the stairs. I can't make it to the main bedroom, so I stagger to the guest bathroom, locking myself in.

I sink to the floor, my back to the door. I am consumed by a mixture of grief and fear. My hands shake as tears roll down my face. I rest the back of my head against the door, body wracked with silent sobs.

My chest hurts, no, my heart hurts. It feels like a rusty nail is being driven in with a hammer. My day had started amazing. I had gone to the theater to tell Tom the good news. But then I had gone backstage and seen him and the love interest of his character making out in the back corner.

My vision had gone red, and then white. And then, nothing. I couldn't feel anything. I had turned around and walked straight out into the rain. I had heard Tom yell my name just as the door, but I had ignored him, hailing the next taxi and speeding away.

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