Chapter 50

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Wow. Half of the way to 100 chapters. Not that this will continue for 100 chapters XD

I sit at the kitchen table, nursing a cup of tea as I examine my daily planner, planning my day. The major event for today: the first ultrasound.

Tom calls just as I have finished the cup of tea and am heading to wash the cup. I pick up the phone, grinning at Maple as she batts at the water flowing from the water faucet.

"Hey honey," I say into the phone, setting the cup aside to dry. "How's work?"

I can hear his heavy sigh and chuckle. "Tiring, but fulfilling. We have our first performance tomorrow." He pauses. "I got you a ticket like I told you I would. When is the time for the ultrasound?"

I grin at his sudden change of subject. He does that a lot when he has many things on his mind at one time. "I set it for noon, at the hopes that you could come maybe after your lunch." I gently rub my stomach with one hand, holding the phone with the other.

"How are you feeling? I'm sorry I had to leave so early this morning."

"Oh, no, don't worry about that. I was up anyways because of the morning sickness. I'm doing better now. I had a cup of decaffeinated tea and checked my plans for the day. After the ultrasound, Diana is coming over. With your dad, actually." I raise my eyebrows a bit.

"Dad's coming?" Tom sounds surprised. "Well, I hope they are still there when I get back from rehearsal. I can only hope this doesn't last as long as yesterday's."

"Me too. I invited them to stay for dinner tonight. I was planning on telling them about the baby. Is that okay?" I ask, walking to the stairs. We still have yet to tell anyone about me being pregnant, and I am hoping that Diana and James finding out first will be the good decision.

"Yes, that is great! Just... don't strain yourself in the kitchen, Alice." I can hear the worry in his voice. "I know you think that you're perfectly healthy, but after..." He hesitates. I frown, knowing what's on his mind.

"Don't worry Tom. I will be getting an opinion from the doctor today if I should be looking for any certain things because of what happened last time." I begin to climb the stairs. "Relax. Everything will be fine."

"I know, I know." Tom sounds antsy. "It's just... I've never done anything like this before. I mean, I have nieces and everything but... I worry for you. And the child. Anyways, ask me if you need me to pick up take-out or something."

Hearing him say the word 'child' sends a thrill through me. "You're a first-time dad. It's understandable. And no, Tom, I am planning to cook for your parents. I wouldn't be able to sleep knowing I just fed my in-laws cheap Chinese take-out."

"They wouldn't care either way. They adore you. Is dad coming with his family?"

"No," I walk into the bedroom, settling down on the bed and lying back on the pillows. "He said that his family is actually on vacation at the moment to visit his wife's sister. What's her name again?"

"Dad's wife or sister-in-law?"

"His wife," I sigh, rubbing the heel of my hand into my forehead for a few moments. "I remember you telling me, but I have been so distracted as of late, I can't seem to remember anything except what color my shirt is." Tom laughs, and I join him.

"Valarie is his wife's name. She has an older son, I think he's in his thirties now, and a daughter who is seventeen."

"Yeah... now I remember." I sigh. "Isn't Valarie a little old to have a seventeen-year-old?"

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