Chapter 16

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I hope you guys like this one! I think I do. It gives a little more insight on Alice's relationship with John, and just how close she is with Holly. :) Have fun!

I sigh heavily, letting my fingers skim the keyboard as I scan my writing for mistakes. I am pleased with how the article worked out, what with all the drama previous.

Jack is getting ready to lock up the office; I can hear him moving around. I asked him for just a few minutes of leniency while I finish some editing and attach the pictures.

"Aaaaand, done!" I save the article, and then quickly type up an email to Jack with the article and pictures attached. "I'm done! It might need some editing, but you can send those back if need be," I call out, closing my laptop.

"Good! Good! That's what I like to hear!" Jack steps into the doorway, grinning broadly. I begin to pack up as swiftly as possible, so to not make him wait long. "Alice...?" His voice is a bit duller than before. "Can I ask you something?"

"Um, sure." I unlock the locker/safe thing, pulling out my belongings. "Fire away."

"John called earlier." Oh boy... "Is there something I need to know?"

I sit back on my heels, looking over my shoulder at Jack's large silhouette. "We've... had some history," I manage. "It's private."

"Is it something that I would need to know, as your boss?" Jack asks, his voice softer. "Because under certain circumstances..."

I stand slowly, swinging my backpack over my shoulder. "In all honesty, now that I know he is here, I am less likely to stay. I don't think Tom's alright with it either. See, John is my ex-husband. The relationship ended badly... you could say."

"Oh?" Jack frowns. I grimace slightly.

"Yeah..." I shift my weight slightly. "Tom almost beat him up."

"I heard. And you punched him."

"Yes, I did. It was long overdue." I fold my arms. "I am sorry, but I will not work with him. Frankly, I don't feel safe with him in the general vicinity. And--" I am cut off by Jack's phone ringing.

"Hold that thought," Jack says, pulling out the phone. He frowns at the number and holds the phone up to his ear. "Jacob Daniels." I watch as his eyes widen slightly, flashing to me, and then away. "Yes, I have been made aware. Oh? I don't think—well, I imagine we could make that work. Would she still be with the company? Oh. Maybe we could cooperate, then." I'm curious now. I set my bag on my desk, an eyebrow raised. "Would you like to be the one to tell her?"

He hands me the phone. "Who is it?" I mouth. Jack just shakes his head, grinning. I put the phone up to my ear.


"Hey, kid!" It's Robert. "You know what we talked about earlier?"

"What, on your interview, or before that?"

"Before that, when I said you'd be our personal photographer."

"Yeah... what about it?"

"Anthony and Joe agreed!" I can hear the glee in his voice. "Technically, you're Tom's official photographer, kind of hand-in-hand with Luke."

"Wait—when did this happen?" I ask, bewildered. "Robert, I haven't even had a full day at this job yet!" I protest. "I can't just pack up my stuff and leave!"

"You can still cooperate with Jacob, if you want to. You can still do articles for him and take pictures, but for your safety, it's best for you to be here. It would make Tom's life a bit easier, too, knowing you're safe."

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