Chapter 55

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"You're not talking and driving at the same time, are you?" I can hear the underlying suspicion in Diana's voice. I chuckle to myself, shaking my head.

"My phone is connected to the car. I don't even have to take my hand off the steering wheel to answer a call." I reply, applying the breaks as I stop at a red light. "Now texting is a different case. I won't ever do that. My mother would roll in her grave."

"She wouldn't be the only one," my mother-in-law replies. "I'd whack you with a spoon."

"I have no doubt," I grin a bit. "Tom's got stories."

"All the trouble that boy got into..." Diana muses. "You wouldn't guess how much of a handful he was when around his schoolmates." I laugh out loud, stepping on the accelerator as the light changes to green.

"I can imagine." I glance at the clock as I say this. "On another subject, I will be there in about... oh, say ten minutes or so. The traffic was horrid getting out of the city."

"Take all the time you need," Diana replies. "And don't stress yourself. Your health is important. I do wish Tomm could have driven you here, I'm not sure I like the thought of you behind the wheel..."

"Honestly, I wish he'd driven me too. I'm still getting used to driving on the wrong side of the road, even after all this time." I sigh. "But he's doing important stuff. Ben's got a big role, and I don't mind in the slightest that he's helping a friend."

There is a moment of silence between us before Diana breaks the silence. "Anyway, dear, I can't wait to see you."

"Same here, Diana. It's been too long." I drum my fingers against the steering wheel. I hear a quiet shrieking in the background.

"Ah, that's the kettle," Diana says. "I'm going to have to let you go so I can use both hands for this. Is that alright, Alice?"

"Yes, of course. See you soon."

She says a quick farewell before hanging up the call. I smile to myself as I return my full attention to the road.

Ten minutes later, I am pulling up the drive of Diana's home. The last time I was here was on my wedding day... I think. The thought almost makes me giddy. Diana's car isn't in the driveway, so I assume that she has parked in her garage. I park the car off to the side of the driveway, getting out with a bit of work. I groan softly, rolling my shoulders once I am standing up straight.

Diana comes out of the house, bundled in a coat. I approach the steps, pulling my own coat closer around myself. Diana greets me with a hug and a gentle kiss on the cheek. I grin, returning the action.

"It's great to see you!" I say, a happy warmth spreading through me. She takes me by the arm, turning me towards the door.

"You as well, Alice. I notice you've gotten a little bigger. How are the babies doing?"

"Dr. Hernandez says they are a little undersized, but because of that, I might actually carry them the full term instead of going into labor early, as most women do with twins. I'm not sure if that's a blessing or a curse," I laugh at this, sighing when we enter the heated house. "Oh, that feels nice. My face is numb."

Diana laughs along with me, her sweet voice filling the room. Her laugh reminds me of Tom's; infectious and warm.

"I've got tea in the living room if you want to take off your coat and gloves here," Diana says, heading for the living room. I do as I am told, stripping off my coat and gloves, hanging them on the rack.

As I enter the living room, I am greeted by an interesting sight: My husband, all six-foot-two of him, attempting to hide under the coffee table.

"...Thomas?" His head pokes out.

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