Chapter 13

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I caught something just now. I think I made Holly and Alice college buddies. So... Alice went to two colleges. Rice in America, and later, she went abroad somewhere in London, hence how she met Holly... sorry for that. 🙂 Enjoy the chapter!And thank you to @Viylu on for the food idea. 🙂 I appreciate the (Possibly unintentional) help.

"He told me that he needed some time to prepare, so... here I am," I explain to Holly, who is grinning at me like a madwoman. She giggles quietly, sitting back on my bed, grinning over at me.

"I'm happy for you," she says, reaching for my hand. "I haven't seen you this... you in ages."

"I know." I stand back up, smiling to myself. Then I look back to Holly. "He said he was going to pick me up at eight. What time is it now?"

Holly looks at her phone. "Six thirty." She sits up, a wide grin on her face. "I am going to give you a makeover."

"Wait—what?" Before I can completely register what she said, Holly grabs my arm and pulls me towards the master bathroom.

"Manicure! Pedicure! Facemask! Bath Bombs!" Holly is totally psyched. Since I can't break her hold, I give in, letting her drag me to the tub. "Get undressed and start the water. You are going to sit there for half an hour at least, and not give a crap about anything. Once you are done not caring, come out, and I will continue to do the caring for you." She looks around, frowning slightly. "Let me grab some stuff, and then I'll be out of your hair." She rushes to the closet and grabbing something, then rushes out.

"Relax!" she shouts through the now closed bathroom door. I chuckle.

"Okay. Be out in thirty."

I have started the water and am about to get in when Holly knocks on the door. It opens a bit, and before I can chuck something at my best friend, a wine glass filled with a delicious red liquid in it is set in sight. The door closes again, and I approach it, lifting the glass carefully. I move back to the tub, which now is filled with blue-tinted bubbles, and settle down into the steaming water.

"Aaahhh." The water feels so blissful, and the lavender-scented bath bomb fills my nose with a sweet aroma. I close my eyes, resting my head against the edge of the tub. Sitting there in the water, my mind drifts.

How does this even happen? It's a chain reaction. In the long run, can I thank Holly for me meeting Tom? Or would I thank my parents for funding most of my college? What does Tom see in me? How will this work out? What if I get hurt again? What if I see John again?

"You were supposed to be not caring." Holly's voice makes me jump, causing the water to slosh.

"What the hell?!" I yell, grateful for the bubbles. "Aren't you supposed to knock?"

"I did." Holly gives me a slightly irritated look. "When you didn't answer, I got worried." She shakes her head. "If you want to be on time, you should get out."


"You've been in here for half an hour. I've had time to get everything ready and bring up a bottle of wine."

I really lost track of time. "How did you know I was caring?"

"You were staring at your empty wine glass like it had murdered your cat, and you didn't even look up when I opened the door."


Holly leaves so I can wrap myself in a fluffy, white towel. I dress in some sweats and then walk out into the bedroom.

"What color?" Holly asks, sitting me down in a chair.

"I don't know... blue." Holly puts some sort of facemask on me, complaints ignored, and begins to paint my toenails. I have to bite my lip to keep from kicking her when her fingers tickle my feet. Once she is done beautifying my feet—wow, how did she do that?—she turns to my fingers. We chat as she does her work, keeping the topics lighthearted.

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