Chapter 19

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Heh, heh, heh... On a scale of 1-10, 10 being the greatest, how much do you hate John? Fyi, by the end of this chapter, that number may or may not rise...

I wake feeling sluggish and tired, with a pounding headache. "Ugh." My stomach rolls violently, and I stagger out of the bed, only taking a moment to realize that I'm not in my room at Holly's house, before rushing to the bathroom where I empty my stomach's contents into the toilet.

For a few minutes, I sit there on the cold tile floor, breathing deep. I hate getting drunk...

Suddenly, I hear Tom stirring in the other room, and I stand flushing the toilet and then going to the sink. Tom comes to the bathroom door, as it connects the bathroom to the guest bedroom, and watches me. He looks a bit pale, the coloring accenting the bruises from last night, but otherwise looks fine; definitely better than me.

I glower at myself in the mirror, then look at Tom's reflection. "How come when you're suffering from a hangover, you can still look like a damn god, while I look like some monster that crawled up from hell?" I croak, rinsing out my mouth with Listerine. I then find a bottle of aspirin and knock a couple of pills back with some tap water.

"It would help that I wasn't totally sloshed last night." I close my eyes, resting my head against the cool counter. I only remember flashes of the pub, and periods of time after. Thankfully, I remember everything after the shower, so I know that all Tom and I did was sleep. And maybe drool. God, I hope not.

Tom steps up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and pressing his hands into my stomach. His lips press against the nape of my neck and he hums quietly. I shiver, my shoulders hunching slightly. "That tickles, Tom."

He does it again, and I laugh. "I can't help it, my dove," he murmurs against the sensitive skin there. "I just love the sight of you in one of my shirts." His hands slide down to rest on my hips, teasing the hem of his shorts that I am wearing.

"Don't be a tease," I grumble, trying to slide out of his grip. His hold only tightens on me, bringing me closer to his body.

"Well then you need to stop looking so damn good," he whispers in my ear. I arch unintentionally shivering again.

"Don't be a flirt. I look like hell personified."

Tom's eyes darken slightly, and suddenly my feet are off of the ground. I yelp when I am flipped over Tom's shoulder, staring down his back.

"Nice ass, Hiddleston."

In return, I get a slap on mine. I yelp again, twisting in his grip. "Tom!"

I drop on my back onto the bed. Tom stands over me, grinning. I grin back, crossing my arms over my chest slightly. Tom flops down on the bed beside me, taking me into his arms and pulling me close to him.

"You are gorgeous," he says, kissing me gently. "And don't you ever say any different, or I will have to convince you." His lips travel across my face until he is kissing my neck gently. I gasp quietly, running my fingers through his hair, making him moan softly. His lips then begin moving down my neck, towards the shirt line.

"Tom... Tom... if we continue, we're going to do something we don't want to."

"You sound like me last night." Tom sits up with a small sigh, grinning at my confused expression. "I guess you wouldn't remember, would you? You tried to seduce me."

I blush red. "O-oh?"

Tom chuckles, getting off the bed and pulling me with him.

"It was very tempting." I blush even redder, hiding my embarrassed smile behind my hand. Tom takes the other one and leads me out of the room. "What do you say to some breakfast?"

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