Chapter 44

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I didn't mean to make her as old as she is... but it just happened this way. If I want her to be... age appropriate for Tom in 2019, it must be this way. Otherwise... ew. But I kind of want to make her a little younger. If I do, I will need to edit the parts where I mention her age. Comments?

Having your birthday on a Saturday= possibly the best thing ever. I lay curled in bed, watching the sunlight trickle into my bedroom. My mind is flickering from thought to thought as I cuddle Maple to me.

A year ago today, I went to a bar with Holly and Patrick and got sloshed, as the Brits like to put it. A year ago today, Tom came back into my life. A year ago today, I received forgiveness, and my heart was mended, for the most part, at least. Thirty-six years ago today, I was born in Houston, Texas, to my parents Joanna and George Monroe. Geez, thirty-six? I'm old. I should probably act my age every now and then.

Maple begins to wriggle around in my grasp. I let her jump down from the bed. She meows loudly.

"No. Leave me alone. I'll feed you later." I close my eyes and tug my blanket over my head, falling back asleep swiftly.

The next time I wake, I am aware of the smell of cooking food. I can hear some music nearby, soft, but still audible. I can smell fresh-brewed coffee. Then I hear a laugh I know well. I slide out of bed, grabbing my blanket and wrapping it around my shoulders, shivering in the cold air. I then walk down the hallway to my kitchen.

Tom is facing the stove with his back to me, presumably cooking something.

"Mm, is that coffee?" I ask, leaning against the bar that sits above the sink. Tom turns, a wide smile on his face.

"Maybe. Happy birthday!" I walk around to give him a hug. Ooh, that's nice. He's warm. He hugs me back, giving me a kiss before turning back to the stove. Bacon and eggs are being cooked at the moment, and I can see that my toaster is in use. I pad over to the coffee maker, shivering at the feel of the cold tile under my bare feet. Once I've gotten my coffee, I turn to Tom.

"How can I help?" I ask, looking around for something to do. Tom grins, flipping the bacon.

"Nothing, my dove. It's your birthday, so I decided to make breakfast for you. It defeats the purpose if you try and make it yourself." He glances up at me, lips curled up in a smile. "Why don't you go and pick a movie to watch? It's supposed to rain all day today, so it's a good day to watch movies. At least for a little while. What do you say?"

I grin crazily, setting my cup down and going to look through my movie collection. "How did you get in, Tom?" I ask. "I thought you lost your key to my apartment last week."

"I found it," He says. I can hear the grin.

"Where was it?" I ask, pulling out a few game cases, wondering if he'd be interested in playing one of them.

"You won't believe me."

"Try me." I finally settle on Supernatural, sense we're only on the first season. I don't want to watch the first season alone.

"Athena had taken them and put them into my garden."

"How did you find them?!" I exclaim, turning to look at Tom. "It's not exactly premium gardening weather. The ground would still kind of be frozen, right?"

"I don't know how she did it, or what prompted me to go look, but whatever the reason, I am glad I did. Your key now is on the keychain with all my other keys, to keep it from getting lost."

I laugh, sitting back on my heels. "Why didn't you do that in the first place, dork?" I ask, grinning when I see Tom come in with two plates filled with eggs, bacon, and toast. I hold up the Supernatural case and set it on the coffee table.

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