Chapter 53

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So, apparently, Tom has been seen with a singer recently. It's nice to see him out and about after such a long time. I like his hair. Anyway, I don't want to gossip, I just want to say I am happy to see him out, but also a little irritated at the gossip magazines who took the pictures. He looked happy though. Hopefully, he will have found his own Alice soon.

And I think I should make Alice younger if I go back and edit. 36 is kind of old to be having kids, I think. Idk...

And, another tidbit, I'm not sure how good this chapter is... I am kind of going through writer's block for filler chapters. Shout out to @Aleks for the second ideas for baby names. :)

"Mr. Alexander's out of the hospital," I say into the phone. I hear Tom let out a sigh of relief.

"I'm glad to hear that," He says, smiling faintly. "I was getting worried."

I smile. "Yeah. Thank goodness it was only two weeks. Stephen and Elizabeth will bring him by the house, at my request. I hope that's alright?"

"Of course! What time? I might be able to drop by on my lunch break,"

I sit down on the couch, sighing as I take the weight off of my feet. I am only 13 weeks in, and my feet already hurt, and my knees and hips are sore. "Around noon. Stephen told me that after discharging his dad, they were going to go home for a little while and then come by here."

"Sounds like a plan, darling." I hear some shifting on his end. "On a different subject, how are you feeling? You weren't doing so well this morning."

"Yeah," I grimace. "I've been told the morning sickness should settle down by week fourteen. If it continues for much longer, I'll tell Dr. Hernandez on my next visit." At the moment, I am sipping a cup of ginger tea, to keep my stomach settled. The stuff is nasty, but it helps.

"Okay." Tom sounds hesitant. "When is the next appointment?"

"I scheduled it for exactly a month after the first one. They recommend once a month up until week 28, but then the visits become more frequent the further along I am." I take a sip of the tea, making a face. "So, the twenty-second."

I can hear Tom's brain doing the math. He's probably trying to do something else at the same time. "Eleven days?"

"Yes. It's the eleventh today."

"Is it really?" Tom asks. "Ah, I guess it shouldn't be something to forget easily,"

September eleventh. Not a day I or any adult living in the United States in 2001 would ever forget. I remember being rooted to the spot as I stared at the television screen in horror. The entire world knew about it soon enough, with pictures of the burning towers on the front page of newspapers all around the world.

"No, no it shouldn't," I reply, flitting through old memories. After a moment of silence, Tom sighs a little.

"I've got to let you go, love. We're running another rehearsal for the final show."

"Ah, okay. Tell Samantha I say hello."

"Will do!" Tom says. I can tell he's smiling. "And Alice?"

"Yeah?" I heave myself up from the couch.

"I love you,"

My chest warms slightly, and I grin. "I love you too. Now get back to work, Mr. Lazy!"

"Yes, ma'am!" Tom laughs. "Sorry!"

Before I can say anything, he hangs up, leaving me to laugh at empty air. "Dork," I chuckle, pocketing my phone before heading to the kitchen.

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