How The Bad Boy Found True Love.

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Author's Note ~
This is my sad attempt at a bad boy story; my first bad boy story, so please.. cut me some slack. Lol. I really hope you enjoy it and please, for now, ignore the errors in the story. I intend to come back around and fix them. <3

Chapter 1 ~ School is literally a living horror movie.

My best friend Sheer, stooped in my face twerking to "Round of applause" by Waka Flocka. This girl is obsessed with twerking. She twerks any and everywhere if she feels the need to. But, don't get me wrong. She can twerk. It's just .. so wrong at times.

I stifled laughter as I pushed her forward and she landed face down on my carpeted floor. She rolled over and glared at me.

"Dude, that was like, the best part!" she exclaimed, rolling her eyes.

I laughed, teasing her. "Good then. Only you seriously know why you're always moving your behind in my face or anywhere, for that matter." I shook my head.

"Um. Whose ass is it?" she asked pointedly.

"Stop cursing." I scolded her.

She rolled her eyes. "Geesh, sorry, Ms.GoodyTwoShoes. Can you ever forgive me?!" she asked dramatically, clasping her hands tightly together.

I laughed at this. "No. Just for your inane act." I scooted more into my bed. "Anyways, c'mon, we need to finish this project." I said.

She scoffed. "Only you care about your grades so much as to do a project on the weekend." she said.

"Um, that's the only time we have to do it, Sheer." I rolled my eyes.

Sheer and I are completely different. I am your average okay looking nerd, whilst she is the pretty, more upscale girl. I'm the nerd that always has my nose stuck in a book, whilst Sheer's the girl who always has her butt moving. Now, if there was a case where someone wanted to know why she chose to befriend me and they were holding a gun to my head, I'd be dead instantly.. because honestly, I really didn't know. But, it didn't matter. I love her.

Sheer had pretty light, shiny hair that tipped her shoulders. Her hair always looked so healthy and it's always styled. My own on the other hand, reaches the small of my back and is hardly given attention. It was dyed a dark and light purple with black roots. I know, weird right? Yes it is. But, everything is just too cliche now and I want to be different. But, believe me when I say the dying of my hair is one of the most impulsive things I've ever done.

I stared up into Sheer's clear sea colored eyes and pouted. "If you loved me you'd help me." I said.

Never get paired with Sheer McCurdy for a project. I repeat, never get paired with Sheer McCurdy for a project. Cheaper you say it's just you doing the project, because I swear she won't do a thing. You'd probably have to pay her.

"I love you, but I hate school." she whined.

I smiled and shook my head. "Why?" I asked. I actually loved school.

She stared, wide eyed at me. "School is literally a live horror movie, Charm." she said in a monotone.

I grinned. "For you it is. For me, its like running through a flowerdy field." I beamed.

"Remind me how we're friends again?"

"I have no idea." I smirked.

"Well, it's obvious opposites attract then?"

"Someone paid attention in Biology." I teased. Is it weird that she tackled me onto my bed and covered my lips with her petite hand?

"Never say that again. In your life." she threatened.

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