Chapter 28 - Kids, be good in school. Detention sucks.

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I sat at my laptop and I opened it up. I've been neglecting my laptop, writing, reading.. everything. I use to write everyday. Now, I can't tell you the last time I placed my fingers to these keys. As soon as the laptop booted up, I went straight for my email. It says that I have over five hundred unread messages. I really have to answer them back. I always answered them back.

Scrolling. I was scrolling, scoping out all of the messages and that's when I saw it. The message. From then on, I seriously only heard my heart beating. I probably even heard my sweat trickling down the side of my temple. I gulped.


"Honey, you're writing. I am so proud of you! Everyone's waiting for your daily scoop, your answers, your advice. Doesn't it feel good? I know it does. I see you're still as bright as every star we'd lie out and count every night. I'm happy.
I'm not going to bug you for too long. I just wrote to tell you how much I miss you. And, I also want to apologize sincerely for my behavior back then. It was uncalled for and your nor your mother deserved it. I'm getting better now. Even though you probably don't care. I just.. I miss my family so much. There's not one day that goes by that I don't think of you and your mother.
I supplicate that you answer back. It's honestly all I want right now.. just to hear from my daughter. I understand your mother is upset and I'm not forcing her. But I know I need my daughter. I need to know that she's doing good in life, that she's happy. I love you, Charm.
- Chris, your father. xo."

Is it bad that this message made my heart feel some type of way? Like, my heart flipped happily in my chest. I even think it's still flipping with undeniable glee. I am such a bad person. I should be hating this man, I should've deleted his message as soon as I saw his name. The sad part is, I couldn't bring myself to do it and even after I read it, I still can't delete it. I placed my head in my hands and groaned.

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