Chapter 14 - She could put twerk team out of business.

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I was frozen. I couldn't move. I couldn't breathe. Basically.. I couldn't do anything. I was wracking my brain, looking for answers. I was trying to figure out why the hell this man was calling this house.

You see, you've never really heard of my dad. I didn't like to speak, think or talk about him. He makes me sick to my stomach. He is insane, far from normal, which is exactly why my mom has been struggling at first to get us back together as a family. I still can't believe he has the audacity to call this number. On second thought, how the hell did he get it?!

"I need to speak to your mother.." his voice was raspy. It was as though he hadn't drink water in years. He sounded terrible.

"She's not here. And, even if she was, you know she wouldn't want to speak to you." I tried to keep control.

"Well, I'll just talk to you." he said coolly. It made me sick.

"No!" I screamed, getting fed up. "You can't just do that," my voice broke. "You can't just put us through so much and then try to call and talk and after such a long time!" I yelled at him through the phone. I could feel the tears coming without regret. The only thing I did regret was that everyone was in here watching me have a messy fit. But, I could care less. I threw the phone down.

"Guys.." I choked. "I need a moment. Can you go downstairs, please?" I asked. When they didn't move right away, I demanded they leave the next time. They quickly stood up and they filed out one by one, each of them sending new worried looks on their way out.

"I'm coming back to find out what happened. And, you're going to tell me." Sheer said. I nodded curtly and as soon as all of them exited the room, I flew down on my bed and sobbed like there would be no tomorrow.

You know when you're crying so hard it hurts? It's like, your chest and throat aches like hell because of the amount of breaths you have to take. And when you cry hysterically you start to choke and you almost bring something up. I was crying so hard, my head felt like it would explode any moment. I latched onto my sheets and soaked them with sad and angry tears.

Hell yeah, I was angry. Who the hell does he think he is calling this house out of the blue? Still having that effect on me! I hate him so much.

Flashback ~

I was rushing home from soccer practice. I'd even forgot about the family dinner we had planned. Just us. Mom, dad and I. Dad was complaining about us not spending enough time together. So, mom planned the perfect dinner.

I finally arrived on my street and I practically sprinted home from there. When I stepped on my porch, about to turn the knob on the door with my key still inside of it, I heard sobbing and screaming. I immediately took action. I threw the door open and marched inside, quite alerted as I snapped my head to each section of the living room. When there was no one in there, I made my way towards the hall as quickly but quietly as I could. I soon heard the sobs and screams coming from in the kitchen.

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